Default users

Several users are supplied with Network Manager.

Users and their groups

The following table describes users that are present after installation, along with their groups.

Table 1. Users present after installation
User name Group Password Description
smadmin None Defined during installation. The default value for a basic installation is netcool. The administrator should change this password. The administrator for Dashboard Application Services Hub. In a new installation, this user has permissions to administer users, groups, roles, and pages. Defined in the file-based user repository.
itnmadmin Network_Manager_IP_Admin Defined during installation. The administrator for Network Manager. In a new installation, this user has permissions to administer all of the Network Manager Web applications. Defined in the user repository chosen during installation.
This user also has the following Dashboard Application Services Hub roles by default:
  • administrator
  • chartAdministrator
  • chartCreator
itnmuser Network_Manager_User Defined during installation. An example operator user for Network Manager. Defined in the user repository chosen during installation.