
The entityDetails table allows the addition of arbitrary data about an entity in the form of key-value pairs. This enables you to extend the database to provide additional data on entities. The entityDetails table belongs to the category entities.

To add arbitrary data about an entity to the entityDetails table, you must first customize your discovery to retrieve data from an external source, using the IP address of the device as a lookup.

Restriction: NCIM cannot check the constraints of any value that is stored with the key in the entityDetails table.

On completion of a new discovery, MODEL automatically populates the NCIM topology database. You can modify the way in which this population occurs in order to ensure that the customer data held in the ExtraInfo section of the interface records within the MODEL database is used to populate key-value pair records within the entityDetails table.

The following table describes the entityDetails table.

Table 1. entityDetails table
Column name Type Constraints Description
entityId 32-bit integer

Foreign key

Not null

The identifier from the entityData table of an entity. The current row of this table provides key-value pair data for this entity.
keyName 255-character string Not null Name of the key part of the extra data. For example, this might be the name of the customer or location associated with this device.
keyValue 1000-character string   Value of the key part of the extra data. For example, this might be a customer type.