Event state diagram

The event state diagram shows possible event states and describes how transitions occur between these states based on the values in the alerts.status Severity and Tally fields. The diagram also shows how different event types are handled.

The event state diagram is shown below. Each event is assigned one of these states as it passes through the Event Gateway. Each state transition corresponds to an updated event received from the ObjectServer. The event states are shown with an associated color as follows:
  • Red indicates an active problem state.
  • Green indicates an active clear state.
  • White indicates that this is not an active state.
Figure 1. Event state diagram
Event state transitions in the Event Gateway

Event state transitions

Each transition is labelled on the diagram with a number from 1 to 8. The following table lists the transitions associated with each label.
Table 1. Transition labels
Label Field values in updated event
 1  Severity =0
 2  Severity = 0

Tally: Unchanged from previous event

 3  Severity: 0

Tally: Changed from previous event

 4  Severity: Non-zero
 5  Severity: Non-zero

Tally: Unchanged from previous event

 6  Severity: Non-zero

Tally: Changed from previous event

 7  Type = 2: Resolution
 8  Type = 13:Information

Event state descriptions

Event states are listed in the following table. All of the states listed refer to events of Type = 1 (Problem events), unless otherwise stated.
Table 2. Event states
State Description
Cleared The severity zero event was not previously known to the Event Gateway, or was in an active problem state.
Deleted The event has been deleted from the ObjectServer. As this can happen at any time, this state can be reached from any other state except Unknown. Deletions are sent to plug-ins over the plug-in interface, and the state of the event in the Event Gateway becomes Unknown.
Information Any incoming event that has the type Information (Type = 13) is given the Information state, irrespective of other field values.
Occurred The non-zero severity event was not previously known to the Event Gateway.
Re-awakened The non-zero severity event was previously known to the Event Gateway, but was not in an active problem state.
Re-cleared The severity zero event was previously known to the Event Gateway, and has re-occurred.
Re-occurred The non-zero severity event was previously known to the Event Gateway and a new occurrence of that problem event has occurred.
Re-synchronize The Event Gateway has resynchronized with the ObjectServer. This is a synthetic state that does not correspond to any single ObjectServer event.
Resolution Any incoming event that has the type Resolution (Type = 2) is given the Resolution state, irrespective of other field values.
Unknown The event has not been detected by the Event Gateway. This is the initial and final state.
UpdateCleared The severity zero event was previously known to the Event Gateway, and an update, as opposed to a reoccurrence, has been detected.
UpdateOccurred The non-zero severity event was previously known to the Event Gateway, and an update, as opposed to a reoccurrence, has been detected.