Installing fix packs

A fix pack involves moving from one minor release to another within a point version, for example, from to, or V4.2 Fixpack 1 and V4.2 Fixpack 2.

Before you begin

You must install the GA version of Network Manager before installing a fix pack.

Prior to installing a fix pack, you should back up products and data as appropriate. For example, if you are running Network Manager on a virtual machine, then take a snapshot of your virtual machine.

About this task

Restriction: You must not use different versions of the same products or components together, unless advised otherwise by instructions in the IBM Knowledge Center or by IBM Support. If you need multiple instances of a product or component, you must install or upgrade them to the same version and fix pack. You must also ensure that the same set of test fixes, if any, are installed. For example, if you need multiple instances of the Network Manager GUI Components in one deployment, ensure that they are the same version, fix pack, and test fixes.

You must update the Network Manager core components before, or at the same time as, updating the GUI components. For example, install the fix pack on the Network Manager core server, and then on the GUI server.

V4.2 FixPack 6:
Important: Installing Fix Pack 6 or later removes existing MIB files. These Network Manager Fix Packs do not contain the Management Information Base (MIB files). Network Manager Fix Pack 5 does contain the MIB files. The MIBs are required for network discovery.
If you are upgrading from Fix Pack 5 or earlier, complete the following steps to obtain the MIB files:
  1. Locate a zip file named*.zip within the IBM Installation Manager shared location that contains the MIB files from the previous Fix Pack installation. The exact path might be different in your installation. An example path is: /opt/IBM/IBMIM/native/
  2. Unzip this file.
  3. Load the MIBs into the database by running the ncp_mib command, as described in Loading updated MIB information.
If you are installing a Fix Pack later than Fix Pack 5 without upgrading, or you are unable to locate the MIB files using the above procedure, complete the following steps to obtain the MIB files:
  1. Run the ncp_mib command, as described in: Loading updated MIB information.
  2. If you have Network Manager 4.2 Fix Pack 5 installed, back up the contents of the $NCHOME/precision/mibs/ directory to a backup directory outside $NCHOME. For example, /mibs_backup/.
  3. If you have an earlier version than 4.2 Fix Pack 5 installed, complete the following steps:
    1. Back up the contents of the $NCHOME/precision/mibs/ directory to a backup directory outside $NCHOME. For example, /old_mibs/. Keep this directory and its files in case you want to roll back to this version later.
    2. Download the Network Manager Fix Pack 5 ( files from IBM Fix Central:
      Important: Download the files for Linux x86, regardless of which platform you are using.
    3. Expand the Network Manager package into a temporary directory.
    4. Expand the repositories/disk1/ad/native/file000876 archive file into a backup directory outside $NCHOME, for example, /mibs_backup/. This directory now contains the default MIB files.
    5. If you customized or added any MIB files, copy the customized or new MIB files from /old_mibs/ over the default files in /mibs_backup/.
  4. Regardless of the version of Network Manager you installed, the /mibs_backup/ directory now contains the most current set of MIB files from Fix Pack 5, plus any additions and customizations.
After you obtain the MIB files, install the most recent version of Network Manager.
  1. Install Network Manager Fix Pack 6 using the instructions in this procedure.
  2. Copy the MIB files from your /mibs_backup/ directory to the following location within the installation: $NCHOME/precision/mibs/
  3. Run the ncp_mib command, as described in: Loading updated MIB information.

To install a fix pack, perform the following steps:


  1. Before upgrading from Fix Pack 16 or any previous version, to Fix Pack 17 or any later version, you must install Python 3. You must install Python 3 on the server where the core components are installed. Supported versions of Python are from version 3.7 to 3.11 inclusive. For versions of Network Manager prior to Fix Pack 17, the required version of Python is Python 2 (not Python 3), version 2.6.6 or later on Linux® and version 2.7.5 or later on AIX®.
  2. Install the fix pack on all Network Manager servers, for example, on the core and GUI server, unless otherwise directed in the fix pack Release Notes or README file.
  3. Stop any running Network Manager processes.
  4. Start IBM Installation Manager:
    1. Change to the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed.
    2. Run the following command:
      V4.2 Fix Pack 1:
      Note: If your current software versions are made up of any Network Manager 4.2 version prior to Fix Pack 1 with Jazz for Service Management V1.1.2.1 and you are upgrading to Network Manager 4.2 Fix Pack 1 and Jazz for Service Management V1.1.3.0 at the same time, then you must start IBM Installation Manager by running the script and specifying two mandatory parameters, as detailed in the technote at

      You do not need to start IBM Installation Manager by running the script if your current software versions are any Network Manager 4.2 version prior to Fix Pack 1 with Jazz for Service Management V1.1.3.0, and you are only upgrading to 4.2 Fix Pack 1 without changing the version of Jazz for Service Management.

      IBM Installation Manager starts in wizard mode. To use command line, silent, console, or web browser mode, refer to the information on Managing installations with Installation Manager in the IBM Installation Manager documentation at: Not all products and components support all installation modes.
  5. V4.2 Fix Pack 1: Configure the IBM Installation Manager repositories to point at the locations of the updated packages.
  6. Click Update.
  7. Choose the package group that you want to install a fixpack for. Alternatively, select Update all packages with recommended updates and recommended fixes. Click Next.
  8. Select the updates that you want to install and click Next.
  9. Review the summary information and click Update.
  10. After a Fix Pack upgrade on a non-root install, you must run only one of the following scripts from the $NCHOME/precision/scripts/ directory:
    • Run if the root user will run Network Manager processes.
    • Run if a non-root user will run Network Manager processes.
    • Linux:Run on Linux platforms only, if you can not run binary files with a UID of root for security reasons, and a non-root user will run Network Manager processes.
  11. After a Fix Pack upgrade on a root install, run the script as the root user to enable the historical polling data processes to run.
  12. After installing a Fix Pack, any changes that you made to the $NCHOME/precision/bin/ncp_common file, for example, to configure the version of the Oracle client, are overwritten. You must make the changes again. For more information, see Installing and configuring Oracle databases on UNIX.
  13. Any errors are written to the installation log file, which you can view by clicking View Log File. Log files are kept in the /logs/ directory in the IBM Installation Manager data location. If there are messages in the log file about merging changes to configuration files, check the files that are mentioned and manually merge any changes.