V4.2 Fix Pack 1:

Applying schema updates for a fixpack

Run the schema updater script, update_db_schemas.pl, to apply all necessary NCIM topology database schema updates for one or more fixpacks or interim fixes.

Before you begin

Before you can run the update_db_schemas.pl script, you must first install the fixpack or interim fix for which you want to apply schema updates.

About this task

Starting with Network Manager V4.2, when you download a new fixpack or interim fix, the download includes the update_db_schemas.pl script and associated update files. These update files include all NCIM topology database schema changes for all fixpacks and interim fixes up to the current fix.

You can apply all schema changes for the current fixpack or interim fix to the NCIM topology database by running the update_db_schemas.pl script. Update all NCIM databases at the same time. The script also applies schema changes for multiple fixpacks or interim fixes. For example, if for a particular major release you did not install fixpack 1, but are now installing fixpack 2, running the update_db_schemas.pl script applies all schema changes for both fixpack 1 and fixpack 2.
Note: Not every fix pack contains database schema updates. For a list of fix packs and whether or not they contain database schema updates, refer to Release notes - IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 4.2. If the fix pack that you want to upgrade to, or any of the intervening fix packs, contain database schema changes then you must run the update_db_schemas.pl script.

To apply schema updates, complete the following tasks.


  1. Source your environment.

    On the server where the Network Manager core components are installed, the environment script is installation_directory/netcool/core/env.sh.

    For example, on Bash, Bourne, and Korn shells, source the env.sh script using a command similar to the following:
    . /opt/IBM/netcool/core/env.sh
  2. Optional: Run the script in preview mode to list out the schema updates that will be applied.
    $NCHOME/precision/bin/ncp_perl $NCHOME/precision/scripts/sql/update_db_schemas.pl -domain DOMAIN_NAME -preview
    This command prints the schema changes to be made to a file where you can review them prior to applying them to the database. By default, this file is located in /tmp/nm-update.sql. To give the file a different name, specify the name after the -preview option. If you do this, then the preview is written to a file with that name in the current directory.
  3. Run the script to apply the schema updates.
    $NCHOME/precision/bin/ncp_perl $NCHOME/precision/scripts/sql/update_db_schemas.pl -domain DOMAIN_NAME
    Note: When the schema updater has successfully applied all the changes for a given fixpack, it writes a row to the ncim.schemaAudit table, giving the name of the file that contained those changes and the timestamp when they were applied.
  4. If you created any domain-specific versions of the $NCHOME/precision/default/ModelNcimDb.cfg file, the script does not update these versions. Compare the domain-sepcific files against the upgraded default file and merge any changes manually.
  5. If you have more than one NCIM database, for example, in a failover or High Availability (HA) environment, run the update_db_schemas.pl script on every database to ensure that the schema is the same for all of them. If you do not run the script on every NCIM database, any Network Manager features that rely on the latest schema changes might not work.
  6. If you are using Oracle and you revoked database creation privileges from the NCIM database user by using the restrict_oracle_privileges.sh script, you must run the restrict_oracle_privileges.sh script again after applying the schema updates. If you do not run the restrict_oracle_privileges.sh script again, you might encounter database access errors. For more information on the restrict_oracle_privileges.sh script, see the topic restrict_oracle_privileges.sh.