Fix Pack 19 changes

Read about new features and issues in the latest Fix Pack.

New product features and functions

The following features and functions are introduced in this Fix Pack.

New supported operating system versions

Support is added for the following operating system versions:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8.9 (x86-64)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 9.3 (x86-64)
  • SuSE Linux® Enterprise Server (SLES) 15.0 (x86-64) SP5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 9.3 on IBM z Systems (s390x, 64 bit)
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15.0 SP5 on IBM z Systems (s390x, 64 bit)

For more information, see Supported operating systems.

Change in cross-domain stitching configuration

Cross-domain stitching configuration options were in the LinkDomains.stch file. In Fix Pack 19, the options are in the discoConfig.domain.cfg file.

Note: If you have existing configuration in the LinkDomains.stch file, you must manually migrate it to the discoConfig.domain.cfg after installing Fix Pack 19.

For more information, see Configuring cross domain links between other device technologies.

Timetra agent

The Timetra agent discovers physical containment information for Nokia7750SR switches.

For more information, see Discovering containment information.

Cross-domain support for DLA

You can enable cross-domain inventory for the Discovery Library Adapter (DLA).

For more information, see Configuring the DLA.

Basic Device Details report

This report allows you to look up basic device details, such as Manufacturer, Device Description, Entity Name, IP and Protocols.

For more information, see Basic Device Details report.

5G stitchers

Various stitchers are added to build 5G containment information.

For more information, see Main discovery stitchers and DNCIM stitchers.

Configuring display of link bandwidth
You can configure the units in which the bandwidth of links is displayed.

For more information, see Displaying performance information on links.

Known problems in this Fix Pack

Changes to config.json file
The default configuration file /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/precision_gui/profile/etc/tnm/default/config.json was modified in Fix Pack 18. If you are upgrading to the latest Fix Pack from Fix Pack 17 or earlier, compare this file with the active file at /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell/isc.ear/ncp_gis.war/resources/config.json and merge any changes necessary. The previous version of the default configuration file is renamed to /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/precision_gui/profile/etc/tnm/default/config.json.orig.
Enabling the StandardISIS agent

ISIS connections are not included in Layer 2 and Layer 3 topology by default. To enable the StandardISIS agent, complete the following steps.

  1. Back up and edit the ConfigSchema.cfg file.
  2. Locate the section that begins insert into discoConfig.agentGroupings where the m_name is "Full Layer 2 and Layer 3 Discovery".
  3. Add 'StandardISIS' anywhere in the comma-separated list of agents.
  4. Save and close the file.
CleanUpUnusedPollDefinitionsEngine error message

If you upgrade to Fix Pack 19 from Fix Pack 15 or below, you might see an error message concerning the table column ORIGINALTEMPLATEID in a .trace file. The error message contains text similar to the following:

HNMTB0081I:[CleanUpUnusedPollDefinitionsEngine]:Exception in CleanUpUnusedPollDefinitionsEngine

If you have poll policies that use dynamic indexing, poll policies that are deleted or changed can become orphaned. The error message indicates that orphaned poll policies are not being automatically deleted.

If you have a large number of such policies, you can delete them by running the following SQL statement.