Use the CREATE TABLE command to create a new, initially empty table in the current database. The CREATE TABLE command automatically creates a data type that represents the tuple type (structure type) corresponding to one row of the table.

A table cannot have:
  • The same name as any existing data type.
  • The same name as a system catalog table.
  • More than 1600 columns. The effective limit is slightly lower due to tuple-length constraints.
  • Table or view attributes with the following names:
    • cmax
    • cmin
    • createxid
    • ctid
    • datasliceid
    • deletexid
    • oid
    • rowid
    • tableoid
    • xmax
    • xmin

The optional constraint clauses specify constraints (or tests) that new or updated rows must satisfy for an insert or update operation to succeed. A constraint is a named rule; that is, an SQL object that helps define valid sets of values by limiting the results of insert, update, or delete operations that are used on a table. Netezza Performance Server does not support constraint checks; if you specify constraints, you must conduct the constraint checking and referential integrity.)

You can define table constraints and column constraints.
  • A column constraint is defined as part of a column definition.
  • A table constraint definition is not tied to a particular column, and it can encompass more than one column.

You can also write every column constraint as a table constraint. A column constraint is only a notational convenience if the constraint only affects one column.

Distribution specification
Each table in a Netezza Performance Server RDBMS database has only one distribution key, which consists of one to four columns. You can use the following SQL syntax to create distribution keys.
  • To create an explicit distribution key, the Netezza Performance Server SQL syntax is:
    CREATE TABLE <tablename> [ ( <col>[,<col>… ] ) ] AS 
    <select_clause> [ DISTRIBUTE ON [HASH] ( <col>[<col>,… ] ) ]

    The phrase distribute on specifies the distribution key, the word hash is optional.

  • To create a round-robin distribution key, the Netezza Performance Server SQL syntax is:
    CREATE TABLE <tablename> (col1 int, col2 int, col3 int)

    The phrase distribute on random specifies round-robin distribution.

  • To create a table without specifying a distribution key, the Netezza Performance Server SQL syntax is:
    CREATE TABLE <tablename> (col1 int, col2 int, col3 int);

    The Netezza Performance Server system chooses a distribution key. There is no way to ensure what that key is and it can vary depending on the Netezza Performance Server software release.

Constraint rule action
You can specify the following actions upon updating or deleting a constraint. Because the system does not enforce constraint checking, these rules are merely accepted rather than used.
  • CASCADE updates the value of the referencing column to the new value of the referenced column.
  • SET NULL sets the referencing column to the new value of the referenced column.
  • SET DEFAULT sets the referenced column
  • RESTRICT is the same as NO ACTION
  • NO ACTION produces an error if the foreign key is violated.
Constraint attributes
Constraints can have the following attributes that determine whether the constraint check is immediate or deferred. Because the system does not enforce constraint checking, these attributes are merely accepted rather than used.
  • [NOT] DEFERRABLE determines whether the constraint is checked at the end of the transaction.
  • INITIALLY DEFERRED checks the constraint only at the end of the transaction.
  • INITIALLY IMMEDIATE checks the constraint after each statement.


General syntax for the create table command:
( <col> <type> [<col_constraint>][,<col> <type> [<col_constraint>]…]
[<table_constraint>[,<table_constraint>… ] )
[ DISTRIBUTE ON { RANDOM | [HASH] (<col>[,<col>…]) } ]
[ ORGANIZE ON { (<col>) | NONE } ]
[ DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME <number-of-days> ]
Where <col_constraint> represents:
[ CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> ] 
Where <table_constraint> represents:
[ CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> ] 
{UNIQUE (<col>[,<col>…] ) |
PRIMARY KEY (<pkcol_name>[,<pkcol_name>…] ) |
FOREIGN KEY (<fkcol_name>[,<fkcol_name>…] ) <ref>}
Where <ref> represents:
REFERENCES <reftable> [ (<refcol_name>[,<refcol_name>…] ) ]

The system permits and maintains primary key, default, foreign key, unique, and references. The system does not support constraint checks and referential integrity. The user must ensure constraint checks and referential integrity.


The CREATE TABLE command takes the following inputs:
Table 1. CREATE TABLE inputs
Input Description
TEMP[ORARY] The table to be created is to be a temporary table.
IF NOT EXISTS If a table with the specified name exists in the current database and schema, the CREATE TABLE command does not throw an error because it could not create the table. This option is typically used for scripted applications that are running SQL commands, and you want to suppress the "table not found" error message so that it does not impact or halt the scripted application. If you include this option, note the following behaviors:
  • Unless other errors prevented the table creation, the command returns a CREATE TABLE message even though it did not create a table. (This option causes the command to ignore the failure when a table with the same name already exists.)
  • The existing table and the specified table in the command are not compared; the tables could have different shapes. The existing table remains as is with its current shape and row content unchanged. Your application must ensure that the target table and rows are as expected.
  • The IF NOT EXISTS syntax cannot be used with the AS SELECT clause. This form of CREATE TABLE command throws an error. If you want to perform a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT, consider calling the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS command first to ensure that the target table does not exist in the database and schema before you use the CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT command.
<table> The name of the table to be created.
<col> The name of a column to be created in the new table.
<type> The data type of the column.
DISTRIBUTE ON Each table in the database must have a distribution key that consists of one to four columns. The default is RANDOM, which causes the system to select a random distribution key.
HASH This parameter can be specified for clarification but has no effect on the command.
ORGANIZE ON The columns (from one to four) that the table is to be organized on. This cannot be specified for external tables. If columns are specified, the table cannot have any materialized views, and all specified column data types must be zone-mappable. The table data reorganization takes effect when GROOM TABLE is run.
ROW SECURITY Create the table with row-level security.

If DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME is specified to a nonzero value, the command fails. For more information, see Netezza Performance Server time travel.

<constraint_name> The name that is to be given to a column constraint or table constraint. If you do not specify a name, the system generates one.
NOT DEFERRABLE | DEFERRABLE Controls whether the constraint can be deferred to the end of the transaction. NOT DEFERRABLE is the default. (Netezza Performance Server does not support constraint checking and referential integrity.)
INITIALLY Specifies either DEFERRED (at the end of the transaction) or IMMEDIATE (at the end of each statement).
NOT NULL | NULL Whether the column is allowed to contain null values. NULL is the default.
UNIQUE (column and table constraint) Whether each value in the column must be unique.
PRIMARY KEY (column and table constraint) Whether the specified columns are to form the primary key of the table.

This constraint is essentially a combination of the UNIQUE and NOT NULL constraints, but identifying a set of columns as a primary key also provides metadata about the design of the schema. A primary key implies that other tables can rely on this set of columns as a unique identifier for rows.

You can specify only one primary key constraint for a table, either as a column constraint or as a table constraint.

The set of columns that make up the primary key must be different from any other set of columns that is named by any unique constraint defined for the table.

DEFAULT (column constraint) The default value that is to be placed into each row for this column.
REFERENCES (column constraint) The specified columns of the new table must only contain values that match values in the specified columns of the specified table.
FOREIGN KEY and REFERENCES table (table constraint) The specified columns of the new table must only contain values that match values in the specified columns of the specified table. If you do not specify a column, the value must match the primary key of the table. The specified columns of the referenced table must have a unique or primary key constraint in that table.
MATCH FULL MATCH FULL prevents one column of a multicolumn foreign key from being null if other parts of the foreign key are not null. This is the default. MATCH PARTIAL is unsupported.
ON UPDATE | ON DELETE The action that is to be taken when the specified table or columns are updated or deleted:
Issues an error if the foreign key is violated. This is the default.
Same as NO ACTION.
Deletes any rows that reference the deleted row.
Sets the referencing column values to their default value.
Sets the referencing column values to their default value.

Creates a table with a retention time. You must specify DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME if you want to run time travel queries.

The default value is 0. The maximum allowed value is 99 days.

If DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME is not specified, it is set to the current retention time that was specified for the table's schema.

If retention time is set to 0, the table is not a temporal table, and no historical data for the table is available for time travel queries. You cannot run time travel queries for tables with retention time set to 0.

If retention time is set to a nonzero value, the table is a temporal table. Historical rows that go back the number of days that are specified by DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME are available for time travel queries.

You cannot use DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE. All temporary tables are nontemporal and do not support time travel queries.

For more information about time travel and DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME, see Getting started with time travel.


The command has the following outputs:

Table 2. CREATE TABLE outputs
Output Description
CREATE TABLE The system returns this message if the command completes successfully.
ERROR The system returns this message if table creation fails. The error message provides descriptive text, such as: ERROR: Relation 'table' already exists or other messages. If you specify the IF NOT EXISTS syntax, the system does not throw an error when a table already exists in the current database and schema with the same name.


You must be the admin user, the owner of the database or schema, or your account must have the Create Table privilege.


The following provides sample usage:

  • To create a table:
       CREATE TABLE name (
           code        CHARACTER(5) CONSTRAINT firstkey PRIMARY KEY,
           title       CHARACTER VARYING(40) NOT NULL,
           did         DECIMAL(3) NOT NULL,
           date_prod   DATE,
           kind        CHAR(10),
           len         INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE
  • To create a temporal table:
    CREATE TABLE PRODUCT (prodid int, proddesc char(100)) DATA_VERSION_RETENTION_TIME 30;
  • To define a primary key table constraint for the table films, you can define primary key table constraints on one or more columns of the table:
    CREATE TABLE films (
           code        CHAR(5),
           title       VARCHAR(40),
           did         DECIMAL(3),
           date_prod   DATE,
           kind        VARCHAR(10),
           len         INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE,
           CONSTRAINT code_title PRIMARY KEY(code,title)
  • To define a primary key constraint for the table distributors:
    CREATE TABLE distributors (
        did     DECIMAL(3),
        name    CHAR VARYING(40),
        PRIMARY KEY(did)
    ); CREATE TABLE distributors (
        did     DECIMAL(3) PRIMARY KEY,
        name    VARCHAR(40)

    The two examples are equivalent. The first example uses the table constraint syntax. The second example uses the column constraint notation.

  • To define two not null column constraints on the table distributors, one of which is explicitly a name:
    CREATE TABLE distributors (
           did     DECIMAL(3) CONSTRAINT no_null NOT NULL,
           name    VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL
       ); considerations

By default, you cannot CREATE TABLE in a data lake remote database.