Monitoring facilities

Netezza® Replication Services provides a set of facilities that you can use to create custom monitoring solutions for replication. These might range from a notification system that updates administrators about system events to latency statistics collection for pattern analysis.

The monitoring facilities provide detailed information about various aspects of replication. There are different monitoring facilities for both the NPS® and replication queue manager components of a replication node. The monitoring facilities include the following ones:
Table 1. Monitoring facilities for replication
Monitoring facility Description For more information
Command line utilities Monitoring commands run on a replication node component (either the NPS host or the replication queue manager) and produce monitoring information that is related to that component, such as captured or applied SQL statements, the component state, replication errors, and running processes. NPS-side replication commands and Replication queue manager commands
Events Event monitoring is a proactive way to manage the system without continuous human observation. NPS components that are responsible for replication use the standard Netezza event framework and the Netezza event manager to generate replication events (errors, warnings, and other information). Replication events
Replication views Replication views contain important replication-related information that you can query for monitoring. Replication metadata views
Log files Major components of each replication node generate software log files that you can use for monitoring.