Creating local keystore databases

Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

Note: This feature is not supported if you have Netezza Performance Server 11.2.2.X and later installed on Cloud Pak for Data System 2.X.

Use nzkeydb command to create the local keystore database.


  1. Log in to the container as the root user.
  2. Create a keystore.
    /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzkeydb create -pw password
    Tip: The new keystore password must be 8 - 32 characters long. It must have only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and #$%&()*+,-./:;<>?@[]^_`{|}~. Choose at least one character from each group.

    Special characters must be escaped by using single quotation marks.

    [root@nzhost-h1 ~]# /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzkeydb create -pw 'password0#'
    DB creation successful
  3. Validate the keystore.
    /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzkeydb validate
    [root@nzhost-h1 adm]# /nz/kit/bin/adm/nzkeydb validate
    Validation succeeded


Local keystore is now created. Verify it in folder /nz/var/keystore.