Creating quick filters

You can use quick filters as a fast way of displaying events that match a selected criteria. For example, you can quickly display only those events that occurred at the same time as, or before, a selected event. A quick filter can be applied via the quick filter field on the toolbar, the Quick Filter dialog, the right-click Quick Filter menu, or the Alerts menu. Any filters applied are displayed as buttons on a filter strip above the event list. Creating another quick filter does not replace the first, but is combined with it, so that only events matching all of the quick filter conditions are shown. The filter strip can be shown or hidden by clicking the divider line at the bottom of the filter strip. If you change views, any quick filter conditions applied will remain in place provided that the fields to be searched are also present in the new view. If the fields no longer exist in the new view, the quick filter conditions are removed.

About this task

Create a quick filter based on a specific field, operator, and search value:


  • On the toolbar beside the quick filter field, click the drop-down menu Edit options button > Build Quick Filter. A window opens where you can select a Field, Operator, and enter a Search Term.
    1. Select an option from the Field drop-down list. The fields correspond to the column headings in the event list. Select All fields to apply the search across all fields in the event list.
    2. Select one of the following options from the Operator drop-down list:
      • Equals
      • Does not equal
      • Contains
      • Does not contain
      • Greater than
      • Greater than or equal
      • Less than
      • Less than or equal
      • Matches regular expression
      • Is empty
      • Is not empty
    3. Depending on the Field and Operator selected, you can enter a search term in the text field or use the date and time picker to specify a date and time.
  • Click Apply.


The events are filtered to only those that meet the filter condition. The applied filter condition is displayed in a button on the filter strip. To remove quick filtering, click the cross icon on the filter strip. You can also remove all quick filters via the drop-down menu on the quick filter field Edit options button, or by clicking Alerts > Quick Filter > Remove Quick Filters. To remove individual quick filters, click the cross icon on each filter strip button.

Creating quick filters based on the value of an existing cell


  1. From the event list, select a cell that contains a value on which to base the quick filter.
  2. Click Alerts > Quick Filter (or right-click > Quick Filter), and then select one of the following options from the submenu:
    • Equals
    • Does not equal
    • Contains
    • Does not contain
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equal
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal


The event list refreshes to display only those events that match the specified filter criteria.

Editing an existing quick filter

About this task

You can edit the filter condition of quick filters that you have created.


  1. Click the drop-down arrow on the filter strip button that represents the quick filter, and click Edit.
    The quick filter dialog opens, pre-populated with the existing condition parameters.
  2. Change any of the existing parameters.
  3. Click Apply.


This quick filter button on the filter strip is updated and the Event Viewer is refreshed to display the new set of matching events.

Deactivating an existing quick filter

About this task

You can temporarily deactivate quick filter conditions that you have created.


  • Click the drop-down button that represents the quick filter on the filter strip, and click Deactivate.
    This quick filter button on the filter strip is updated to have a greyed-out appearance. The Event Viewer is refreshed so that this individual condition is no longer applied, and only any remaining quick filters are applied.
  • On a quick filter condition that is deactivated, you click the drop-down button and click Activate to re-enable the condition. the condition is then reapplied to the events in the event list.
  • To deactivate or activate all quick filters, click the drop-down menu by the quick filter field on the toolbar, and choose Deactivate Quick Filters or Activate Quick Filters.


This quick filter button on the filter strip is updated and the Event Viewer is refreshed to display the new set of matching events.