Exporting the data

Export all the Web GUI data, with or without Dashboard Application Services Hub data, to a .zip file on the source server.

Export Web GUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub data


  1. Make sure you are logged in to the source server as an administrative user and that the Dashboard Application Services Hub server is running.
  2. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the log file. Change the logging level, if required.
  3. If your installation of the Web GUI does not use the default location:
    1. Navigate to the directory WEBGUI_HOME/integration/plugins.
    2. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings.properties.
    3. Locate the following line


    4. After this line, add the following line:


      Replace WEBGUI_HOME with the actual installation directory of the Web GUI.

    Note: The default installation directory of the Web GUI is one of the following:
    • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/omnibus_webgui
    • For Windows operating system C:\Program Files\IBM\netcool\gui\omnibus_webgui
  4. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, JazzSM_HOME/ui/bin.
  5. Enter one of the following commands to export the data:

    For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system./consolecli.sh Export --username smadmin --password password --settingFile WEBGUI_HOME/integration/plugins/OMNIbusWebGUI_DASH_clone.properties

    For Windows operating systemconsolecli.bat Export --username smadmin --password password --settingFile WEBGUI_HOME\integration\plugins\OMNIbusWebGUI_DASH_clone.properties

    Replace smadmin and password with the user name and password of the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user.


The utility creates the following files:
  • The file of data in data.zip within the directory JazzSM_HOME/ui/output.
  • A log file in JazzSM_HOME/ui/logs/consolecli.log.

Exporting Web GUI data only


  1. Make sure you are logged in to the source server as an administrative user and that the Dashboard Application Services Hub server is running.
  2. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the log file. Change the logging level, if required.
  3. If your installation of the Web GUI does not use the default location:
    1. Navigate to the directory WEBGUI_HOME/integration/plugins.
    2. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings.properties.
    3. Locate the following line


    4. After this line, add the following line:


      Replace WEBGUI_HOME with the actual installation directory of the Web GUI.

    Note: The default installation directory of the Web GUI is one of the following:
    • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/omnibus_webgui
    • For Windows operating system C:\Program Files\IBM\netcool\gui\omnibus_webgui
  4. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, JazzSM_HOME/ui/bin.
  5. Enter one of the following commands to export the data:

    For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system./consolecli.sh Export --username smadmin --password password --excludePlugins ExportPagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin --settingFile WEBGUI_HOME/integration/plugins/OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings

    For Windows operating systemconsolecli.bat Export --username smadmin --password password --excludePlugins ExportpagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin --settingFile WEBGUI_HOME\integration\plugins\OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings

    Replace smadmin and password with the user name and password of the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user.


The utility creates the following files:
  • The file of data in data.zip within the directory JazzSM_HOME/ui/output.
  • A log file in JazzSM_HOME/ui/logs/consolecli.log.