Fix pack 14 release notes

Fix Pack 14:
Enhancements and updates, fixes, known limitations, and installation steps are described here.

Enhancements and updates

Supported components

Support for IBM WebSphere Application Server is upgraded to version 8.5.5 Fix Pack 19.

Support for Jazz for Service Management is upgraded to version
Note: If you are using JazzSM V1.1.3.11 or later versions, Tivoli Common Reporting is not supported. For more information, refer to

Support for IBM Installation Manager is upgraded to version and

Support for DB2 is updated to 11.5.

For more information, see Software requirements.

Browser support

Support for Chrome is updated to 91.

Support for Microsoft Edge is updated to 91.

DB2 UDF Changes
UDF names like REGEXP_LIKE are renamed to NCM_REGEXP_LIKE in the DB2 ncm_createfunctions.sql file. For more details, see DB2 UDF changes in the Postinstallation steps section below.
Operating systems

Operating system support has been extended to the latest versions.

Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is updated to 8.4.

Support for zLinux now includes SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 SP5.

See Software requirements for more information.

Known issues

The following issue is known at release time.

Warnings while running icosutil due to XStream jar upgrade

While running icosutil scripts, you will encounter with the following warnings which are due to XStream jar upgrade.

Upgraded the Xstream from v1.4.9 or v1.4.15 to v1.4.17.

However, you can ignore these warnings as it does not affect the functionality.

Example warnings:

./icosutil Archive -f 
Work Archiving 
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk. 
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk. 
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk. 
Worker Server will not start after Bouncy Castle installation

Bouncy Castle is included in IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager v6.4.2 Fix Pack 11 and later versions. Hence, it should not be applied externally. If applied externally, then the worker server will not start.

Example Issue:

./ start

IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager

Starting Worker Server
Worker Server = NOT RUNNING

Starting Compliance Server
Compliance Server = RUNNING

Worker Server will not start until the externally applied bouncy castle changes are reverted.


Table 1. Fixes in this fix pack
Number Title
APAR IJ27096 "icosutil" does not cleanup device configurations for deleted devices
APAR IJ28892 DB2 sql error seen in java console when trying to use IDT with DB2 11.1
APAR IJ31633 Steps to integrate ITNCM with Omnibus
APAR IJ31813 ITNCM NSM create device syntax incorrect in online docs
APAR IJ32021 Improve ITNCM documentation regarding "Clearing an Archive (ArchiveDelete)"
APAR IJ33012 ITNCM device shortcuts no longer working
APAR IJ33845 Exemption list ignored for ITNCM policies with revision number greater than one
APAR IJ33879 Export to CSV for Systems Manager / Drivers not exporting Support Level column
PVR0257982 Java CPU Jan 2021
PVR0264679 XStream is vulnerable to an attack
PVR0275366 XStream is vulnerable to an attack


Download this fix pack from the following location:

To download Netcool Configuration Manager Drivers, locate the version of Drivers that you want to download in the Drivers release notes.

Compatibility and limitations

Limitation: Intelliden credentials not working after initial installation in a non-default location.

If you install Netcool Configuration Manager into a directory other than /opt/IBM, you might encounter problems stopping the product using the Intelliden credentials to run the stop command.

Symptoms of this problem are that the NCM_Install_DIR/liberty/ncm/ file does not have executable permissions and the message Restart WAS to pick up the new Libraries message does not appear in the was_install.log log file.

To fix this problem, grant execute permissions to the NCM_Install_DIR/liberty/ncm/ script by using a command such as chmod 775, ensure that no Java processes are running, and then run the script using a command similar to the following:

NCM_Install_DIR/liberty/ncm/ install_directory Websphere_profile_dir Appserver_directory Jazz_server_name Jazz_node Jazz_cell password smadmin

With the following arguments in order:

  • install_directory: The Netcool Configuration Manager installation directory. The default is /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm.
  • Websphere_profile_dir: Websphere profile directory. The default is /opt/IBM/netcool/JazzSM/profile/bin.
  • Appserver_directory: The Appserver directory. The default is /opt/IBM/netcool/WebSphere/AppServer.
  • Jazz_server_name: The Jazz for Service Management server name. The default is server1.
  • Jazz_node: The Jazz for Service Management node. The default is JazzSMNode01.
  • Jazz_cell: The Jazz for Service Management cell. The default is JazzSMNode01Cell.
  • password: The password for the smadmin user.

For example:

/home/ncm_install/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/liberty/ncm/ /home/ncm_install/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm /opt/home/IBM/JazzSM/profile/bin /opt/home/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer server1 JazzSMNode01 JazzSMNode01Cell Wipro123 smadmin

The limitations documented for previous fix packs still apply to this version, unless they are listed as fixed in a subsequent edition of the release notes.

You can install this fix pack directly without having installed any version of the product before. If you are installing the product for the first time, follow the instructions at Preparing to install.

You can upgrade to this fix pack from any previous V6.4.2 fix pack.

Installing this fix pack on any other versions is not supported. If you want to upgrade to V6.4.2 from a previous major version, for example, V6.4.1, you must do that before installing any fix packs.

For instructions on installing a major version of the product, for example V6.4.2, see Installing.

For information about upgrading to the latest major version, refer to Upgrading Netcool Configuration Manager to version

A number of requirements and restrictions apply to Linux on System z installations. See the Software requirements topic for more information.

Fix Pack 9: Note: Netcool Configuration Manager now supports Jazz for Service Management along with Dashboard Application Services Hub and Reporting Services They can be updated on any Presentation and Reporting servers either before or after upgrading to Netcool Configuration Manager V6.4.2 fix pack 3 or later.

As of Fix Pack 9, Netcool Configuration Manager supports only JRE 1.8 for the NCM client GUI. You can use the Oracle JRE or the IBM JRE. You can download the IBM JRE from Passport Advantage.

Note: If you use Netcool Configuration Manager as part of a solution, you must also check the compatibility of the versions of all component products in the solution documentation. For example, if you use Netcool Operations Insight, check the instructions for downloading components for your version of Netcool Operations Insight at

Preparing to install

Complete the following steps before installing the fix pack.

  1. If you are upgrading from Fix Pack 6 or earlier, and you installed the update RFE_88570_122463_for_ITNCM_6426_patch_delivery2, you must remove the following file before upgrading to the current fixpack: /config/workflows/remove_nwr.xml
  2. Ensure that there is at least 1.5 GB available in the Netcool Configuration Manager installation directory and at least 2 GB available in the directory to which you will uncompress the fixpack.
  3. Collect information in advance that is required by the installation process. Collect the following information for each Presentation Server with an integrated worker server, and for each Linked or Standalone Worker.
    • Location of repositories, for example /home/icosuser/6425_mediafiles/.../repository.config. Do not delete old repository files. Select both the old and new repository files during the upgrade. Ensure that all repository files are available to the installation process before starting the installation.
    • The location of the Jazz for Service Management installation, for example, /home/icosuser/IBM/JazzSM.
    • The DASH administrator username and password.
      Important: This username is not smadmin. Use Intelliden.
    • The name and path of the response file, if appropriate, for example /home/icosuser/responsefiles/presentation1.xml.
  4. Back up the Netcool Configuration Manager database.
  5. Locate the following files:
    • installation directory/config/properties/.intelliden.user
    • installation directory/config/properties/.intelliden.keystore
    1. Back up the files. These keys are needed to retain access to the database in case the update is not successful.
    2. Ensure that the files are writable by the icosuser user.
  6. Save any customized memory settings so that you can restore them after installing the fix pack. Refer to these files: install_dir/bin/utils/support/ and install_dir/compliance/bin/
  7. The fix pack upgrade preserves changes to the files in the following list, therefore, you do not need back up these files, regardless of whether you have changed them. All files are within the Netcool Configuration Manager home directory.
  8. Back up any files that you have modified (with the exception of those files listed in step 7), and reapply your changes to the newly installed versions of the files that you backed up after upgrading. Ensure that you back up the following files:

    • install_dir/config/properties/auth.xml
    • install_dir/config/server/config.xml
    • install_dir/compliance/config/server/config.xml
    • install_dir/compliance/config/server/eventpollers.xml
    • install_dir/config/server/eventpollers.xml
    • install_dir/compliance/config/properties/
    • install_dir/bin/
    • install_dir/config/properties/.platformconfig
    • install_dir/compliance/config/properties/.itncm.cmkeystore
    • install_dir/compliance/config/properties/.itncm.cmusers

    If you have modified any files in the following two directories, back them up:

    • install_dir/config/properties/
    • install_dir/compliance/config/properties/
  9. Make a complete backup of each of the servers on which IBM Installation Manager, Jazz for Service Management, IBM WebSphere Application Server, and Netcool Configuration Manager Compliance Core, GUI, Worker Server, and OOBC are installed.

    To be able to restore your installation, all directories containing information related to any component of the installation must be backed up.

    The exact directories can vary between installations, but include any directories which you have linked in non-default locations, and the following:

    Table 2. Example directories of interest
    Component Directories
    IBM Installation Manager




    Jazz for Service Management /home/icosuser/IBM/JazzSM
    IBM WebSphere Application Server /home/icosuser/IBM/WebSphere
    Netcool Configuration Manager Presentation Server and Worker Server /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm
    Worker servers (linked and standalone)



    OOBC /home/icosuser/OutOfBandChange/
    Home directory of icosuser user /home/icosuser
    Home directory of icosftp user /home/icosftp
  10. If you have customized any entries in properties files, you might see validation messages about changes to default values in properties files during installation. Change the values as suggested by the message and retry. Do not skip the validation checks, because this can cause undesired functionality in your upgraded installation. Make a list of any customized values prior to performing the upgrade. Once the upgrade has been completed, you must manually make those changes again in the files. Properties files that are commonly modified include the /config/properties/ and files.
    Tip: When installing on the same server as an existing, older version of Netcool Configuration Manager, ensure that before installation you back up the properties files from the home directory to a different location. For example:
    cp $HOME/ $HOME/.rseries.properties_backup
  11. If you performed any silent installations, save all response.xml files from previous updates.

Ensuring Java 8 compatibility

On the servers where the Presentation and Worker servers are both to be installed, complete the following steps to ensure that the product uses Java 8 correctly. Prepare and install the servers where both the Presentation and Worker servers are to be installed first. If a server is to have only the Worker server installed, you do not need to follow these steps for that server and can install Netcool Configuration Manager after the Presentation and Worker servers have been installed.

  1. Check the IBM WebSphere Application Server version by using the following command: IBM WebSphere Application Server Install location/bin/
  2. If the WebSphere version is less than, install or upgrade WebSphere to before proceeding.
  3. Stop WebSphere server before upgrading, by using the following command:
    /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ <WAS server name> -username <WebSphere Admin user> -password <Password of WebSphere Admin user>

    The default server name is server1, and the default WebSphere Admin user is smadmin.

    You can ignore the following error message:
    Installation Manager cannot remove feature IBM 64-bit SDK for Java, Version 6 from the installation package. The feature is a required component.
  4. Check the Jazz for Service Management version that is currently installed in the NCM servers by running the following command:
    Jazz for Service Management Install location/ui/bin/ Version
  5. If the Dashboard Application version is less than, install or upgrade JazzSM to To upgrade to JazzSM, complete the following steps:
    1. Stop the WebSphere server, if it is running:
      /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ <WAS server name> -username <WebSphere Admin user> -password <Password of WebSphere Admin user>

      The default server name is server1, and the default WebSphere Admin user is smadmin.

      Note: If any version of Netcool Configuration Manager has been installed already, the user must be changed to Intelliden, otherwise the product will not work once installed.
    2. If the current version of JazzSM is less than, upgrade to version or above before upgrading to version
    3. Add JazzSM to the repository list.
    4. Do not install any other components. Click Update and update JazzSM to
      Important: Do not click Install while JazzSM is listed in the repository list, or IBM Installation Manager gives an error.
    5. Remove or uncheck JazzSM from the repository list.
  6. Ensure that the Java 1.8 SDK is enabled for Netcool Configuration Manager on the server machine.
    1. Run the following command to check all the enabled SDK profiles on the server machine:
      < JazzSM Install location >/profile/bin/ -listEnabledProfileAll
      Output like the following example is seen.
      CWSDK1004I: Profile JazzSMProfile :
      CWSDK1006I: PROFILE_COMMAND_SDK = 1.8_64_bundled
      CWSDK1008I: Node JazzSMNode01 SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled
      CWSDK1009I: Server server1 SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled
      CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.
      If any of the enabled profiles are not yet on version 1.8, then change them to 1.8 using the following commands:
      < JazzSM Install location >/profile/bin/  -listAvailable
      CWSDK1003I: Available SDKs :
      CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.7_64
      CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled
      Record the SDK name for the Java 1.8 version and run the following commands:
      JazzSM Install location/profile/bin/ -enableProfile -sdkName Java 1.8 SDK Name -profileName JazzSMProfile -enableServers

      Where Java 1.8 SDK Name is the SDK name recorded in the earlier command output and JazzSMProfile is the Jazz for Service Management profile configured on the server. The default profile name for JazzSM is JazzSMProfile. The following line shows an example command:

      JazzSM Install location/profile/bin/ -enableProfile -sdkName 1.8_64_bundled -profileName JazzSMProfile -enableServers
    2. Confirm that all enabled Java SDK profiles on the NCM server are set to 1.8 by running the following command again:
      JazzSM Install location/profile/bin/ -listEnabledProfileAll
  7. On the client where the Netcool Configuration Manager GUI (or NCM JNLP file) is being launched, ensure that the default Java version is set to 1.8 or higher.

Installing the fix pack

To install this fix pack, complete the following steps.

  1. Ensure that you have completed all applicable steps in Preparing to install and Ensuring Java 8 compatibility.
  2. Check that the WebSphere SSL certificate has not expired. By default, the certificate expires after 365 days. For a backup or High Availability cold-standby system you might not notice that the certificate has expired until you attempt to use the fallback option. To renew or replace the certificate, follow the recommended solution in this link:
  3. Download the fix pack from Fix Central. The following files are available for download. Netcool Configuration Manager is available only as a 64-bit version.
    Table 3. Netcool Configuration Manager fix pack files
    File Description

    The Netcool Configuration Manager fix pack, where platform is the name of the platform, and version is the version of this fix pack.

    Also includes the ITNCM DashBoard Components.
    Note: The ITNCM DashBoard Components are only required when your system is integrated with Network Manager, and not for stand-alone Netcool Configuration Manager installations.

    Out of band change installers, where platform is the name of the platform.
  4. Uncompress the ITNCM_platform_version file.
  5. Quit all running programs. Stop all running instances of Netcool Configuration Manager by running the following command:

    <install directory>/bin/ stop 
  6. Log onto the Netcool Configuration Manager server. You must install the fix pack on all presentation, worker, compliance, and reporting servers. Install first on the presentation servers and then the worker and compliance servers. Finish one installation before beginning the next one.
  7. Start IBM Installation Manager in either interactive or silent mode.

    • For interactive mode, change to the /eclipse/ subdirectory of the IBM Installation Manager group installation directory and use the following command to start IBM Installation Manager:

    • To record the installation steps in interactive mode in a response file for use with silent installations on other computers, use the -record response_file option. For example:

      IBMIM -record C:\response_files\install_1.xml

      Store the response file securely, because it contains passwords. For information on encrypting passwords during installation, see Security considerations for Installation Manager in the Knowledge Center for your version of IBM Installation Manager at

      To use an existing response file, use the -input option, as in the following example:

      ./imcl -s -input fully_qualified_path/response_file.xml -acceptLicense -sP
    • For silent mode, change to the /eclipse/tools/ subdirectory of the IBM Installation Manager group installation directory and use the following command to start IBM Installation Manager:

      imcl -c
  8. If necessary, configure proxy settings and enable IBM Installation Manager to be able to download package repositories from IBM Passport Advantage. These options are in the Internet and Passport Advantage sections of the Preferences menu.
  9. Add the downloaded fix pack file as a repository to IBM Installation Manager, in Preferences > Repositories > Add Repository.
  10. In the main Installation Manager menu, click Update, and then select Netcool Configuration Manager. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

    Important: Do not deselect any components that are already selected. Deselecting components uninstalls them.
  11. Accept the license agreement and select an installation directory.
  12. In an interactive installation, supply the following details:

    Netcool Configuration Manager database details
    Sid/service name/database name(db2)
    Database hostname
    DASH administrative credentials
    DASH administrator username.
    Important: Do not accept the default username of smadmin. Use Intelliden.
    DASH administrator password
    Network Manager administrative credentials (if integrating with Network Manager)
    Default is either itnmadmin or the DASH superuser, who must have the ncw_admin role in DASH
    Netcool Configuration Manager presentation server
    Connection details to the Netcool Configuration Manager Presentation server.
    Do not use the Skip validation option except in demonstration environments.
    Tivoli Common Reporting server
    Connection details to the Tivoli Common Reporting server
    Do not use the Skip validation option except in demonstration environments.
  13. Complete the update and close IBM Installation Manager.
  14. Install the fix pack on all other presentation, worker and reporting servers.
  15. Upgrade the database schema to the latest version on the main presentation server only, by running the following command:
    install_dir/bin/utils/database/upgrade/ version
    Where version is the current version of the product that you are upgrading from. For example:
    To verify the current version, run the following command:
    cat <install_dir>/config/rseries_version.txt
    In the following example output, the version is
  16. If an update fails, restore the backup of the affected server.

If you encounter any errors during the installation, refer to the following information: Troubleshooting installation.

Post-installation configuration

After installing the fix pack, you might need to perform the following steps, depending on your deployment:

DB2 UDF changes
In Fix Pack 14, REGEXP_LIKE is renamed to NCM_REGEXP_LIKE. If you have old UDF functions with the name REGEXP_LIKE, remove them and create new functions.

Remove the old functions by entering the following commands:

db2 drop function 'REGEXP_LIKE(CLOB,VARCHAR(512),VARCHAR(3))'
db2 drop function 'REGEXP_LIKE(VARCHAR(3000),VARCHAR(512),VARCHAR(3))'
db2 drop function DECODE_FUNCTION

Create new functions NCM_REGEXP_LIKE by entering the following commands:

Clear the browser cache
After upgrading, clear the cache on any browsers that you use to work with Netcool Configuration Manager.
Clear the Java cache
If you see errors about Java certificates, each user of the Netcool Configuration Manager GUI must clear their Java cache.
Note: Ensure that the Installed Application and Applets check box is checked to clear the cache for Java Web Start applications such as the ITNCM GUI.

To clear the Java cache, complete the following steps:

  1. Delete the following files:
  2. Open the Java Control Panel and clear your cache by clicking Java Control Panel > Temporary Internet Files > Settings > Delete Files.

    For detailed instructions on Windows, see the section “How do I clear the Java cache?” at

  3. Start the Netcool Configuration Manager GUI. If you see the certificate error, the cache was not cleared correctly and you must perform the steps to clear the cache again.

Post-installation steps for the Netcool Configuration Manager - Compliance server
Before you start Netcool Configuration Manager, run the script from the /bin/utils/support/ directory within the installation directory. Running this script after the upgrade prevents problems with processing UOWs. Select the following option:
5. Worker Server : Base=Disabled | Compliance Eval Engine=Enabled

Enter the Intelliden Super User username and password if prompted. The default username is Intelliden.

Update Netcool Configuration Manager DASH components
If your system is integrated with Network Manager, you must also update the Netcool Configuration Manager DASH components on the Network Manager GUI server
  1. Open the Installation Manager on the Network Manager GUI server, and add the current version of Netcool Configuration Manager to the list of repositories.
  2. Click Update.
  3. Select IBM Netcool GUI Components and then IBM Dashboard Applications for ITNCM.
    Note: You must supply the required JazzSM and itnmadmin credentials to upgrade the software.
Configure Alerts menu of the Active Events List (AEL)
If your system is integrated with Network Manager, you must again add access to the Activity Viewer from the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Active Event List by configuring the Alerts menu.
For more information, see Configuring the Alerts menu of the Active Event List
Reapply any previous memory settings
Customized memory settings are not preserved during upgrade, and you must update them manually after the upgrade.