Configuration catalogs
Within the Configuration Editor, configuration information for both full configurations and command sets are displayed using configuration catalogs. Configuration catalogs are graphical folder trees similar to a typical Windows list of folders and files, except some of the folders also contain data. They represent resource configurations.
When you click any element/object name from the configuration catalog, the right pane of the application page shows that command and allows you to make edits. Regardless of the vendor/type/model/operating system (VTMOS) of a network resource, the usage for the configuration catalog is the same.
Catalog elements
Every label (file or folder) used in a configuration catalog is an actual resource command. Whether a command is shown as a folder or as a label depends on command complexity and whether the command contains sub-commands.
There can be two types of folders within a catalog, along with file labels. Both folders and file labels represent actual commands on the network resource.
Catalog icons
Icon | Description |
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Signifies that this command contains data. |
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Signifies that this command has been added. |
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Signifies that this command has been deleted or disabled. This icon is displayed only when viewing “Old Values.” |
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Signifies that a command (or a child of the command) has been modified. |
Object groupings
Folders with no icons are called object groupings. Object groupings are used to group variations of the command, and to contain sub-commands.
Object creators
Folders with icons are called object creators. Object creators can contain attributes and other folders.
Nested commands
When a folder is contained within a folder, it represents a nested command, or sub-command.
In this example, the interfaces command has an unbounded sub-command called interface.
CLI text boxes
The label “CLI text box” in the folder tree indicates that a command (for example, Ethernet/FastEthernet) has non-modeled sub-commands.
While the system does not provide the normal user interface widgets (check boxes, lists, and so forth) for these non-modeled sub-commands, the CLI text box option allows you to still use the sub-command by entering the appropriate native command language syntax. For more information, see Using CLI text boxes for configurations.
Right pane elements
Within the Configuration Editor, the configuration catalog occupies the left pane. When you click a folder or text label representing a command, the right pane is populated with an editable form, which varies depending on the selected command.
Collapse and expand
To save space in the right pane, all commands include Collapse All and Expand All options. By default, all commands are displayed collapsed.
Click the Expand All icon or the Collapse All icon to toggle between expanded and collapsed.
Bounded versus unbounded commands
Commands to which you can add siblings are said to be unbounded. Commands to which you cannot add siblings are considered to be bounded. As an example, on a CISCO 26xx router, the hostname command is bounded while the interface/FastEthernet command is unbounded. All unbounded elements include an Add button in the right pane. For information on how to add elements on an unbounded command, see Adding commands.
Required fields
Red asterisks are used to indicate required fields. You will not be able to save a command set or configuration without providing data for any required fields within the command you are editing.
Data validation
Many fields show the required format of data (for example, a field label might indicate that 0-15 are the valid values). If you enter a value that is not valid for a field, the field turns red when you try to exit that field.
Tool bar functions
This section describes the usage of the various tool bar icons found at the top of the Configuration Editor. Although the Configuration Editor is used to edit both configurations and command sets, the available icons vary depending on which is being edited.
- Pages back through the commands that you have opened and viewed.
- Saves command set or configuration. Use if you wish to save the command set or configuration with a new name.
- Views native commands.
- Expands all roll-ups for the current command.
- Collapses all roll-ups for the current command.
- Moves a roll-up up the list.
- Moves a roll-up down the list.
- Duplicates a roll-up.
- Deletes a roll-up.
- Marks the command as disabled. Use this icon to enable/disable such commands as cdp/enable or interface/shutdown.
- Toggles all fields between old values (baseline) and new values (changes).
- For command sets, marks the current command as being added.
- For command sets, marks the current command as being deleted or disabled.
- For command sets, marks the current command as being modified.
- For command sets, indicates that the value of the current command must be found in a configuration in order for your other modifications on the command's siblings to happen.
- When modifying a command within a command set, allows you to signify that you want the command to be changed regardless of the old (match) value. The wildcard is a full wildcard; it will match the command as long as there is any value (not null).
- For command sets, marks the current command as being a parameter. This means that the user applying the command set can determine its value at that time. You can also supply a default value for a parameterized field.
- When modifying a text field in a command set, allows you to switch between the value to match and the new (replaced) value that should be applied.