What's new in Maximo Spatial 8.6

Learn more about what's new and changed in Maximo Spatial 8.7.

Highlight query results on a map

Select line and polygon features to highlight the entire length of the feature. Configure the highlight color and width of the feature. Highlight query results on a map to view all work orders within a range of dates. View assets that are adjacent to an asset location or an asset attribute.

For more information, see Map toolbar functions

Filter map features

Instead of filtering map features using the Layers tool on a mobile application map, use the features filter in the Identify tool to select which features to display.

For more information, see Map toolbar functions

Access to Maximo Application Suite record attachments from the Identify tool

When you select and identify a feature associated with a Maximo Application Suite record that includes an attachment, you can open the attachment directly from the feature preview card on the map.

Minimize map tools

You can select and then minimize map tools so they do not cover up the map.

Web map layer support

All web map layers must have a unique name. Grouped layers are not supported for web maps.

Indoor maps

The facility ID and the floor ID values for indoor work orders and service requests are automatically populated by the associated asset and location records.

For more information, see Indoor maps.

Edit tool now available for Maximo Application Framework map components

You can use the Edit tool on Maximo Application Framework map components on desktop systems and mobile devices.

For more information, see Adding a feature to a mobile application map and Changing the geometry of a feature from a mobile application map.


Query tool now available for Maximo Application Framework map components

You can perform feature queries using the Query tool on Maximo Application Framework map components on desktop systems and mobile devices. Multiple feature selection modes provide flexibility when identifying features for queries.

For more information, see Performing a query from a mobile application map.


Identify tool now available for Maximo Application Framework map components

You can use the Identify tool on Maximo Application Framework map components on desktop systems and mobile devices.

For more information, see Linking a feature from a mobile application map.
