
You can use the troubleshooting information to help you to diagnose and resolve problems that you experience with your IBM® MQ Appliance.

There are a number of diagnostic tools that you can use to help you resolve problems:
  • You can view the log files generated by IBM MQ and by the appliance itself. You can configure log targets so that certain types of logging information is written to specified destinations, such as a syslog system. (See IBM MQ appliance logs.)
  • You can view error reports generated by the appliance. You can configure the appliance so that it automatically uploads a First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) to an FTP server. (See Appliance error reports)
  • You can start and stop trace, and you can download the generated trace files by using the strmqtrc and endmqtrc commands.
  • You can start and stop trace, and you can download the generated trace files by using the IBM MQ Console.
  • You can view information about return codes by using the mqrc command.
  • You can gather diagnostic information to send to IBM support by using the runmqras command.
  • You can configure, generate, and put a trace-route message into a queue manager network by using the dspmqrte command. For more information, see dspmqrte in the IBM MQ documentation.