Disk space monitoring

The available disk space is monitored on the IBM® MQ Appliance. You can configure the monitoring parameters.

The appliance has two types of built-in storage device:

  • Flash storage, where the appliance firmware, the system configuration, and the system logs reside.
  • RAID (SSD) storage, where queue manager data, queue manager logs and other IBM MQ configuration files reside (this is the equivalent to the /var/mqm directory on IBM MQ UNIX or Linux® installations).

These storage devices are divided into a number of partitions or logical volumes, which contain file systems that are used for specific purposes. Structuring storage into different file systems enables quotas to be enforced for different types of data, and it is also essential for the architecture of high availability and disaster recovery, where individual queue manager file systems (logical volumes) are replicated between appliances.

The file system usage monitor generates log events that contain information about file system usage. The IBM MQ Appliance supports the streaming of logs to central monitoring tools, such as Splunk and Elastic Stack. By including file system usage information in these logs, you can monitor file system usage over time, and receive timely notifications for file systems that are becoming full.

The monitor is enabled by default. The built-in default-log logging target subscribes to only the critical log events that are generated by the monitor. To consume the informational and warning log events as well, you can define a logging target that subscribes to all the log events generated by the monitor. You can also configure how often the monitor checks file system usage and what usage thresholds are used for the warning and critical usage notifications.

You can configure the monitor by using the CLI, the web console, or the REST administration interface.