Configuring disaster recovery fail over to another high availability group

You can create a configuration where a high availability (HA) queue manager fails over to another HA group at the recovery site.

If you are running an HA queue manager at a site that experiences a severe site-wide outage, you can fail over to a disaster recovery instance of that queue manager at a remote site. The queue manager then runs as part of an HA group at the remote site.

Note: If you have a legacy DR configuration between two HA groups, you can update to the new DR/HA configuration by removing the DR setting from each queue manager and then restoring it by using the method described here. You do not have to delete queue managers or remove them from their HA groups.

This configuration is represented in the following two diagrams.

Figure 1 shows the queue manager terentia1 running on its preferred appliance, Pollux, at the Rome site. Figure 2 shows the desired situation after the Rome site fails, where the queue manager terentia1 is running on its preferred appliance, Hugin, at the Stockholm site. The arrangement is reciprocal. In normal operation, the Rome site has a DR instance of the Stockholm HA queue manager Freya2.

For instructions on how to implement a fail over in this situation, see Operating in a DR/HA environment.

Figure 1. Queue manager running in original HA group
shows queue manager running on original HA group
Figure 2. Queue manager failed over to other HA group
shows failed over queue manager