Getting started for application administrators

Get started administering Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, by configuring system properties and completing integrations.

About this process

As an application administrator and member of the MAXADMIN security group, from the navigation menu, you can select Application administration to open the Start Center. The Start Center contains administrative applications that you can use to complete administrative tasks, such as adding users to security groups.

Before you begin

If Maximo Health is not deployed as part of Maximo Manage, you must load data into the application or industry solution. For more information, see Loading data.

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, you do not need to load data. However, you do need to configure two system properties. For more information, see Configuring the system properties.

Step 1: Determine when assets are eligible for work queues

From the Start Center, in the System Properties application, you can edit the mxe.expireWorkComplete property to determine when assets are eligible for work queues. By default, assets are eligible every 30 days. For example, an asset that is in the Low health work queue is addressed and the asset is removed from the queue. 30 days later, if the asset's health score is low again or never improved, the asset returns to the Low health work queue. If you edit the property, ensure that the value you specify is a value in days.

Step 2: Enable the work queue crontask

Activate the crontask so that assets are accurately reviewed for work queue eligibility. To activate the crontask, complete the following steps:
  1. From the navigation menu, select Application administration.
  2. From the Start Center, open the crontask Setup application.
  3. In the Cron Task Setup application, open the WorkCompleteCleanupCronTask crontask.
  4. In the crontask Instances table, select the Active checkbox.
  5. Save the crontask.
  6. Select the Reload Request action.
  7. Select the instance and then click OK.

Step 3: Specify installation dates for locations

Before you can begin managing locations, you must specify an installation date for each location. The installation date is used to calculate various values, such as age and remaining useful life (RUL). To specify an installation date for a location, you must add the Installation Date field to location records.

If you deployed Maximo Health as part of Maximo Manage, complete the following steps in Maximo Manage.

If you did not deploy Maximo Health as part of Maximo Manage and integrated with another Maximo system, complete the following steps in that other Maximo system.

If you did not deploy Maximo Health as part of Maximo Manage, how you specify the installation date depends on how your data is structured.

  1. Log in to the Maximo system as a system administrator.
  2. Add the Installation Date field to location records.
    1. In the Application Designer application, open the Locations application.
    2. On the Location tab, in the Common Actions menu, click Control Palette.
    3. In the Controls dialog box, drag the Textbox option on to the Location tab. You can place the textbox anywhere on the tab.
    4. Right-click on the new textbox and then select Properties.
    5. On the Textbox Properties dialog box, on the General tab, for the Attribute field, click the lookup.
    6. On the Select Value dialog box, select the INSTALLDATE value for the LOCATIONS object.
    7. On the Textbox Properties dialog box, in the Lookup field, specify DATELOOKUP.
    8. Click anywhere on the page to enable an automatic refresh.
    9. Save your changes.
  3. In the Locations application, verify that the Installation Date field is available in the location records.
  4. For each location, specify an installation date. If the event listener for locations is enabled, the installation update is automatically shared.

Step 4: Configure map URL, settings, and scale

You can review asset or location data in a table or on a map. Before the map is usable, you must configure the map URL, settings, and scale. You can use either Esri ArcGIS or OpenStreetMap as a map provider.

To configure the URL, complete the following steps:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Application administration.
  2. Open the Map manager application.
  3. Click New Map Manager.
  4. On the Map Manager tab, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Map provider name field, select Open Map.
    2. Enable the Enable map toggle.
    3. In the Map Provide Options section, specify information for your map provider.
      1. In the Open Map provider field, specify either ArcGIS or Open Street.
      2. In the Basemap URL field, specify the basemap URL for your map. If you are using Esri ArcGIS, this URL can be either a map server-based URL or a vector tile server-based URL.
        Note: In the System Properties page, ensure to add * * in the img-src parameter of the Global Value field for the mxe.sec.header.Content_Security_Policy property.
    4. Click Select Sites and select sites that use the map. Users access a specific map according to their default insert site. Ensure that you add your default insert site. You can add more than one site to a single map manager record, but the same sites cannot be added to more than one map manager record.
    5. Click Map Initial Extent.
    6. On the Select Location dialog box, click OK to complete the zoom level, latitude,and longitude. This map be can be initialized based on this extent. If the map initial extent is not set up, the map is initialized by the default extent.
    7. Test the configuration by returning to the Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, navigation menu and opening the map from either the Assets or Locations page. If the basemap is not updated, clear your cache, and then log out and log in to the system.

To configure the other map settings, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Application administration.
  2. From the Start Center, open the System Properties application, review, and configure the following properties:
    Table 1. Properties for the map
    Property Default value Description km The unit used on the map ruler. You can use m (meters), km (kilometers), or ft (feet). 200 How many assets or locations are retrieved in a single API call. The value is typically the same as or lower than the value. 200 The maximum number of assets or locations that are shown on the map at one time. If more assets or locations are available to be shown than what is specified in this property, assets or locations are automatically clustered at higher zoom levels.

    Setting the property or the property to a higher number might affect performance.

    For the mxe.sec.header.Content_Security_Policy property, in the Global Value, add * * to the img-src parameter.

Step 5: Configure the application XML

You can configure the XML for Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, and Health and Predict - Utilities to customize some aspects of the applications and industry solution. For example, you can add or remove cards and reorganize cards or sections. For more information, see the article on IBM Support. The article is shared with IBM Maximo Mobile. For information specific to Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, review the sections of the Customizing Mobile 8.3 applications with the Maximo Application Framework Configuration application.pdf file that are labeled for the applications and industry solution.

Step 6: For Maximo Predict, configure notebook access

Before your data scientists can configure predictive models, you must configure notebook access by providing the Watson™ Studio URL, username, and password, credentials for downloading the notebooks and notebook documentation, and a Db2® certificate to your data scientists. For more information, see Configuring notebook access.

Ensure that you also grant data scientists access to Watson Studio on Cloud Pak for Data. Access is managed from Cloud Pak for Data.

Step 7: Configure users and security groups

In Maximo Application Suite, entitlements and access levels are used to configure user roles and general access to individual applications or industry solutions. As an application administrator, you use security groups to control the aspects of Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, and that users can access after they are granted an entitlement and access level. Sometimes, you must add users to a security group for the users to access the application or industry solution. You can view members of and manually add members to a security group in the Security Groups application, which is accessible from the Application administration Start Center.

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, user records and security groups are shared between the two applications. For example, if you update a user record in Maximo Manage, the user record that is accessible from Maximo Health is also updated.

Before you can configure users and security groups, complete the following steps to ensure that you have authorization to grant security group assignments. If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, you can use the Maximo Manage Start Center. If Maximo Health is deployed without Maximo Manage, use the Start Center for the application or industry solution.

  1. From the Start Center, open the Users application.
  2. Open your user record.
  3. In the More actions menu, click Authorize Group Assignment.
  4. Ensure that the security groups for the application or industry solution are displayed in the table.
For a list of security groups and more information about user management, see User management.

Step 8: Enable the matrix

In Maximo Health, on the Assets page, asset data can be reviewed in a table, on a map, or in a matrix. Before the matrix is displayed on the Assets page, you must complete the following steps to enable the matrix:
  1. As an application administrator, from the navigation menu, click Application administration.
  2. In the Security Groups application, open the EU security group.
  3. On the Applications tab, in the Applications table, select Maximo Health or Maximo Predict.
  4. For the Access to Risk Matrix option, set Grant Access to on.
  5. In the Common Actions menu, click Save Group.

To enable a user to access the matrix, add the user to the EU security group. To enable a user to configure matrix settings, add the user to the EUSCORING security group and enable the MATRIXCONFIG option for the EUSCORING security group.

Step 9: Complete other integrations

For more information, see Integrating with Maximo Monitor.