Configuring Travis CI

Travis CI is a continuous integration service that is used mostly in Github. Also, it provides free plan for open source projects. Travis CI is a hosted service, which means users don't have to host their own server unlike Jenkins. Travis CI empowers software development teams to test and deploy their code with confidence.

The IBM DevOps Intelligence Console supports your use of Travis CI. This topic describes the configuration requirements for this tool. For IBM DevOps Intelligence to sync data from Travis, you must configure a Travis account.

Access Rights: The account should have read access to the repositories we intend to sync.

the Console requires the following information for Travis:

The following image shows the configuration required information:

Config Travis

If the configuration is successful, then a window will appear that shows the account listed in a table, like this:

Config Successful Travis


The user needs to select the Organization and respective Repo's which needs to be tracked through the DevOps Intelligence tool. For this purpose, tracking can be done at two levels:

Organization Level Tracking

For this type of tracking, certain selections have to be made in the system, as follows:

The following is an example image of the configuration screen:

Config Org Successful Travis

Repository Level Tracking

For this type of tracking, certain selections have to be made in the system, as follows:

The following is an example image of the configuration screen:

Config Successful Travis

If the configuration is successful, then a window will appear that shows a table like this:

Config Project Tracking Server

The Sync Feature scans current data for visibility after configuring credentials at periodic intervals. The intervals are set as follows:

For more details, see your Delivery representative.