What's new in Maximo Civil Infrastructure 8.6

Learn more about what's new and changed in Maximo Civil Infrastructure 8.6.

Improvement in the Defects detection application

  • You can find your folders by using the new optimized search.
  • You can associate a work order with the folder. If the work order is associated with an asset or a location, the asset and the location fields are automatically associated with the folder.
  • You can now upload photos to stitch into a single image. Photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photos with overlapping fields to produce a high-resolution overview image. For more information, see Defects in the Defect detection application.
  • When you set the option to analyze photos with IBM Maximo Visual Inspection to off, you can manually add anomalies to your photos.
  • On the Review results page, you can:
    • Manually draw anomalies and then assign a category to the anomaly.
    • Adjust the confidence threshold for anomalies to refine the results of the analysis and see how likely it is that the detected anomalies are defects.
    • Assign anomalies to an existing defect by clicking Add to existing defect.
    • Mark the photo as reviewed when you are done reviewing the photo. If you need to make more changes after the photo is marked as reviewed, you can revert the status of the photo back to new.

For more information, see Defects in the Defect detection application.

As an administrator, you configure the image stitching service for the Defect detection application. For more information, see Configuring the image stitching service for the Defect detection application.

As an administrator, you troubleshoot the image stitching when there are any issues reported to you by the civil inspector. For more information, see Troubleshooting image stitching.

Improvements in the Defects application in IBM Maximo Mobile

  • When you open the Defects application, you can filter defects by user and by whether the defects were created offline.
  • You can manually add anomalies when IBM Maximo Visual Inspection is not configured. When you add the anomalies, you draw first, and then you must assign a category to the anomaly.
  • You can create defects offline, and the data is synchronized when your device is back online. You can use the filter to view defects that are created locally.
  • On the defect card, the asset and the location fields are now represented with icons, name, and a description. Also, a thumbnail of the default image is displayed.
  • The Defect details page is reorganized and includes the Observation section and the Asset and location section.
  • On the Defect details page of the relevant defect, you can see the following information:
    • The Observation section and the Asset and location section.
    • The user who reported the defect or added an observation.
    • The rating description.
    • The number of observations that were added to the defect.

Improvements in the Operational map application

  • When you open the Operational map application, you can see the list view, and you can switch to the map view.
  • In the list view, you can do the following actions:
    • Create work orders.
    • Filter work orders by asset, location, classification, work type, or other relevant key values and then view the results in the map view.
    • Create and manage views as private or shared to organize your data.
  • In the Map view, you can do the following actions:
    • Click the icons on the map to preview important information that is related to the assets, work orders, and possession work orders. When Maximo Civil Infrastructure is integrated with IBM Maximo Health, you can determine the health score of the asset by viewing the asset health risk, criticality, and end of life.
    • When you click the possession work order preview card, you can review the information and the list of included work orders and candidate work orders. You can include candidate work orders in the Included work orders section.
    • You can set the work orders, the asset, and the possession work orders map layers to on and off to customize the map.

For more information, see Using the Operational map application.

Permissions for the Report Administration application

You can the Reports Administration application to view report listings, set report security, and specify the availability of reports and how they open, run, and print. As an administrator, you assign security groups privileges to reports by using the Report Administration application. These privileges include the ability to create and manage reports in the Assets (Civil), Locations (Civil), and Work Order Tracking (Civil) applications. For more information, see Setting application security.

Configuring Building Information Modeling (BIM) models in the Viewer from Autodesk Platform Services

The Viewer plugin is no longer installed with Maximo Civil Infrastructure. The Viewer plugin for Maximo Civil Infrastructure is now available to download and configure on the Maximo Autodesk Viewer Plugin community page.

For more information, see Configuring Building Information Modeling (BIM) models in the Viewer from Autodesk Platform Services.