Attribute replacement rules
Attribute replacement rules are used to specify the conditions for replacing the values of fields in a configuration object at deployment time. The replacement rules apply to every package that is deployed in the target environment.
You select the attributes for replacement when you create a package definition in the source environment.
If the records and fields in a package meet the replacement rule conditions, the values are replaced when the package is deployed. For example, values of a configuration object can be replaced with a property value or MAXVAR value. The replacement rules affect every package that is deployed if the package contains migration objects that are referenced by the rules.
If you specify multiple conditions for a replacement rule, at least one condition must return a value of True for the replacement to occur.
If you specify multiple field evaluations for a condition, all the evaluations must return a value of True for the replacement to occur.
If a deployed package has attributes that are selected for replacement but there are no corresponding replacement rules, the deployment stops unless Skip prompts to create attribute rules is selected. You can then create the replacement rules.