Using process requests for Change and Release interaction

Rather than using the Changes and Releases applications, you can submit requests through the Process Requests application to add a change to a release or remove a change from a release. After you submit one of these requests, the request is evaluated by a Release Owner and either accepted or rejected.

About this task

In considering whether to submit the requests through the Process Requests application, keep in mind that the Changes and Releases applications provide better usability and richer functionality for these operations. For example, you can use the Changes and Releases application functionality to add multiple changes to a release in a single operation; in the Process Requests application, you must add changes request by request. In addition, if you add a change to a release from the Changes application, you automatically ensure that the current change is the one that is added; with a process request, you must manually select the change that you want added.

The Process Requests application is useful when you are not authorized to submit one of these requests through the Changes or Releases application, or when you simply want to create a placeholder that can be filled out with more specific information later.

To submit one of these requests through the Process Requests application, perform the following steps:


  1. Click Open menu > Service Desk > Process Requests to open the Process Requests application.
  2. Click New icon to create a new request.
  3. In the Process Request Details section, perform the following steps:
    1. Type a description in the Description field; you can also supply a long description if needed.
    2. (Optional)In the Priority field, select a priority for the request.
    3. In the Process Manager Type field, select Release.
    4. (Optional) Specify a requested completion date in the Requested Completion field.
  4. In the Request Classification Details section, select Go To Classifications in the Classification field, and select one of the following classifications:
    • PMRELADC — select if you are submitting an Add Change to Release request.
    • PMRELRMC — select if you are submitting a Remove Change from Release request.
  5. Depending on which classification you specified, refer to one of the following tables to fill in classification attributes:
    PMRELADC classification attribute Description
    PMRELTGC Specifies the change that you want to assign to a release. In the Table Value field, select a change from the Select Value list. The list displays all of the valid changes that you can assign. A change must be at the same site as the release to which it is being added, it must have the proper status, and it must not already be assigned to another release.
    PMRELTGR Fill in this optional field to specify a release that you want to suggest as the best release for handling the change. The Select Value list displays all of the releases that you can suggest.
    Note: If you do not specify a PMRELTGR attribute, the change is made available for any release. The Release Owner who accepts the request determines the release to which the change will be added.
    PMRELACR Fill in this optional field to specify an actual release to which the change must be assigned. Specify an actual release only if you are authorized to accept the change into the release. After you specify the actual release, click the Accept icon on the toolbar to accept the change into the release.
    PMRELRMC classification attribute Description
    PMRELCIR Specifies the change that is currently assigned to a release, and that you want removed from the release. Specify the workorder number of the change that you want removed.
  6. Click the Submit button when you have defined the request that you want to submit. Your request is claimed by a Release Owner, who can accept or reject the request. If an Add Change to Release request is accepted, the change is added to a release; if a Remove Change request is accepted, the change is removed.