IBM Maximo Scheduler Optimization

By using IBM Maximo Scheduler Optimization, you can optimize scheduling for your organization.


Maximo Scheduler Optimization includes IBM Maximo Optimization Framework for data and application management of optimization jobs and embeds IBM ILOG® CPLEX® Optimization Studio for solving optimization models.

Maximo Scheduler Optimization entitlement is purchased separately from Maximo Application Suite and with a valid entitlement is available for deployment and activation from the Suite catalog. After deployment and activation, Maximo Scheduler Optimization is available from the Suite navigator or directly at the following URL:

Deploy Maximo Scheduler Optimization

By deploying and activating your separately purchased entitlement of Maximo Scheduler Optimization, you make it available for use in Maximo Application Suite.

The following steps are specific to Maximo Scheduler Optimization and are part of the overarching application deployment process. By default, Maximo Scheduler Optimization is not available to any users until you activate the application and then grant users access.

Predeployment steps

The following component must be installed and configured before you deploy Maximo Scheduler Optimization:

Deploying Maximo Scheduler Optimization

These deployment steps are completed in Maximo Application Suite.

  1. In the Suite catalog, from the Add-ons tab, select the Scheduler Optimization tile.
  2. On the Scheduler Optimization setup page, click Continue.
  3. Select how you want to keep the application up-to-date:
    • Click Channel subscription to select a channel to subscribe to for automatic upgrades and then click Subscribe. When new versions become available, they are added to the channel and updated in your suite instance either automatically or after manual approval. If you want to manually approve upgrades, turn off the Automatic approval toggle.
    • Click Manual to select the upgrades that you want to install, choose the version, and then click Deploy. You can monitor the progress of the deployment on the Scheduler Optimization details page. After the deployment is complete, the Activate button is shown.
  4. On the Deploy application page, confirm that the MongoDB is configured.
  5. Click Deploy and then click Begin deployment. The listed estimated time and configuration time represent the estimated time that it takes to configure and deploy the application. The times include both front-end configuration work and back-end processing and configuration.

Activating Maximo Scheduler Optimization

A deployed application is not immediately available. Before you can grant user access and start working with the application, you must activate the application. Activating the application does not automatically grant your users access to the application.

If the application deployment is not complete, the Activate button is inactive.

  1. On the Scheduler Optimization details page, click Activate.
  2. In the Dependencies section, confirm that Manage is deployed.
  3. To view or specify the Execution service configuration settings, click Show advanced settings. By default, these settings are defined by the system. If your environment requires different values, you can turn off the System managed toggle to the enable the fields and add your custom settings.
  4. Click Activate. The estimated deployment time that is listed represents the estimated time that it takes to activate the application. You can track the activation process on the Scheduler Optimization details page.

After activation, Maximo Scheduler Optimization is available from the Maximo Application Suite navigator and at the fixed URL at the following URL:

Postdeployment and activation steps

After deployment and activation, system properties for Maximo Scheduler Optimization must be enabled in Maximo Manage to run optimization. You enable the system properties in the Maximo Manage application.

The following system properties must be modified:

System Property Global Value
optimization.mofapi.apikey mof_project_api_number
  1. In Maximo Manage, in the System Properties application, click the search filter to enable it, then search for the system property.
  2. Expand the row for the system property to display the details.
  3. Update the value in the Global Value field for the system property.
  4. From the Common Actions menu, save the property changes.
  5. Select the check box for the property name that you updated and then click Live Refresh.
  6. In the Live Refresh window, confirm the changes that you made and click OK to refresh.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for all system properties that are related to optimization.

For information on setting up the Maximo Optimization Framework console, see the IBM Maximo Optimization Framework Guide You must join the community to view the content. This process can take several minutes.

Next steps

As an application administrator, you can now continue with the following tasks:

Update Maximo Scheduler Optimization

By deploying and activating Maximo Scheduler Optimization, you make it available for use in Maximo Application Suite.

The following steps are specific to the Maximo Scheduler Optimization and are part of the overarching application update process. You must complete the pre-update, update, and post-update steps before you start using the updated application.

Preupdate steps

Maximo Scheduler Optimization requires no preupdate steps.

Updating Maximo Scheduler Optimization

The following update steps are completed in Maximo Application Suite.

To update Maximo Scheduler Optimization:

  1. From the Suite catalog, on the Add-ons tab, select the Scheduler Optimization tile.
  2. Click Update available.
  3. Information about the latest version is displayed.
    Click Select Scheduler Optimization to continue.
    You can also click Available versions and then select a different supported version to deploy.
    Note: To deploy a version that is not listed, such as a specific fix, click Deploy another version and then manually enter the version number in the search field.
    Fix version information is provided by your IBM representative. A complete list of application versions is also available in the product documentation.
  4. Click Deploy to start the deployment process.
    The application update process might require software downloads and more configuration steps. The estimated update time is an estimate based on typical network speeds and processing performance.
    Important: During the deployment of the new versions, users might temporarily lose access to the applications while they are being updated.

Post-update steps

Maximo Scheduler Optimization requires no postupdate steps.