Installing Maximo Application Suite from OperatorHub

To install Maximo Application Suite from OperatorHub, you enable the IBM Operator Catalog in your OpenShift cluster and then use OperatorHub to deploy Maximo Application Suite.

If you want to upgrade the Suite by using a channel subscription upgrade method, you must install Maximo Application Suite from OperatorHub. If you want to upgrade the Suite manually, you must install Maximo Application Suite from IBM® Passport Advantage.

The following process discusses customer-managed Maximo Application Suite. For IBM managed Maximo Application Suite, no action is required and you can go directly to Getting started.

Before you begin

Before you can begin the Maximo Application Suite installation, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Set up and configure your OpenShift environment and the required supporting software.
    For more information, see Application dependencies.
  2. Enable the IBM Operator Catalog in your OpenShift cluster.
    For more information, see Red Hat Catalog Enablement for the IBM Operator Catalog in the IBM GitHub organization.
    After you enable the IBM Operator Catalog, you can search for and access IBM offerings that are available in OpenShift.
  3. Complete any required configuration tasks.
    For more information, see System requirements and Instance requirements.
  4. Create an operator project to define a Maximo Application Suite namespace. The namespace must use the following format:
  5. Obtain the entitlement key for the IBM Entitled Registry.
    To obtain your entitlement key for Maximo Application Suite, complete the following steps:

    1. Log in to the IBM Container Library with a user ID that has software download rights for your company's Passport Advantage entitlement.
    2. Your entitlement key is displayed in the Container software library.
      If you do not see the key, from the left menu bar, select Get entitlement key.
    3. Copy the key to a safe location.
      Under the Access your container software heading, click Copy key.

    To confirm that your entitlement key is valid for Maximo Application Suite, in the Container software library, select View library to see the list of products that you are entitled to. If IBM Maximo Application Suite is not listed, or if the View library link is not selectable, the identity with which you are logged in to the container library does not have entitlement for Maximo Application Suite. In this case, the entitlement key is not valid for installing the software.

  6. Create an ibm-entitlement pull secret.
    Before you install the Maximo Application Suite operator, you must install an image pull secret to authorize OperatorHub to retrieve the images from

    To create the image pull secret:

    1. Log in to the OpenShift web console as an administrator.
    2. Copy the login token.
      1. Click your user account icon and select Copy Login Command.
      2. Copy the login token.
    3. In your local command line, paste in the login token and press enter to log in to the OpenShift cluster.
      oc login --token=kiaj2_jkoasunJljsLdsqdsa787asd --server=
      Note: You can also use a valid token for a service account if you are using a service account for the installation.
    4. Install the image pull secret.
      The image pull secret requires the following parameters:

      • Namespace: The mas-<instance_name>-core namespace that you created in a previous step.
      • Name: ibm-entitlement
      • Server:
      • Username: cp
      • Password: The entitlement key that you copied in the previous step.

      In your local command line, enter the command to install the login token.

      oc -n namespace create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement \ \
        --docker-username=cp \

      For more information, see Using image pull secrets in the OpenShift documentation.

If the cluster has sufficient capacity, you can install multiple Maximo Application Suite instances on a single cluster. Each instance must have a unique instance name and domain.

For more information about Operator Lifecycle Management, see Operator Lifecycle Manager concepts and Understanding OperatorHub in the OpenShift documentation.

Install Maximo Application Suite

To install Maximo Application Suite, complete the following tasks:

  1. From OpenShift web console, go to OperatorHub.
  2. In the filter field, enter IBM Maximo Application Suite.
  3. Follow the installation instructions that are provided in the OperatorHub Maximo Application Suite catalog entry.
  4. Monitor the installation.
    As the installer progresses, verify the installation of each component. You can use the Installed Operators page in the OpenShift web console to monitor the installation. During the installation, the Maximo Application Suite super user credentials are created. The super user credentials are used for the initial Suite setup and are in the <instance_name>-credentials-superuser secret.
  5. Review the installation.
    When all resources are in the Ready status, the installation is complete. Review the installation to identify the following required Maximo Application Suite information:
    • Suite administration URL
      Example: https://admin.<mas_domain>
    • Super user credentials
      Username and password in the form of two randomly generated 32-character strings are located in the following secret:
      OpenShift dashboard > Projects > mas-instance_name-core > Workloads > Secrets > <instance_name>-credentials-superuser > Data
    • Setup sign-in URL
      Example: https://admin.<mas_domain>/initialsetup

Next steps

Use the Maximo Application Suite setup sign-in URL and super user credentials to complete the Suite setup.