IBM® Maximo® Predict

Maximo® Predict uses historical and near real-time asset performance data, maintenance records, inspection reports, and environmental data to correlate performance factors that predict asset degradation or failure. Maximo Predict uses artificial intelligence to optimize predictive model accuracy.


By using Maximo Predict, you can determine the estimated time to failure for an asset, the probability of a failure occurring in a selected prediction window, the historical trend of failure probability scores for an asset, the probability of end of life failure for an asset, anomalies that have occurred, and the trend of anomaly scores for an asset over time.

Maximo Predict is available from the Suite navigator.

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, the Maximo Predict application is available at the following URL: https://<workspace_id>.manage.<mas_domain>/maximo/oslc/graphite/relengineer/index.html

If Maximo Health is not deployed as part of Maximo Manage, the Maximo Predict application is available at the following URL: https://<workspace_id>.health.<mas_domain>/maximo/oslc/graphite/relengineer/index.html

For more information, see the Maximo Predict documentation.

Deploy Maximo Predict

By deploying and activating the Maximo Predict application, you make it available for use in Maximo Application Suite.

The following steps are specific to the Maximo Predict application and are part of the overarching application deployment process. You must complete the pre-deployment, deployment, and potentially the post-deployment steps before you activate the application. By default, the application is not available to any users until the application is completely activated and users are granted access.

Pre-deployment steps

After all steps are completed and Maximo Predict is completely activated, the application is available for use in Maximo Application Suite.

The following components must be installed and configured before you deploy Maximo Predict:

The following components can be configured before or after you deploy Maximo® Predict:

Deploying Maximo Predict

These deployment steps are completed in Maximo Application Suite.

  1. In the Suite catalog, click the Predict tile.
  2. Click Continue. Note: If there are insufficient AppPoints available to deploy this application, you can still complete the application configuration. The application is automatically deployed when the required number of AppPoints are available.
  3. Select how you want to keep the application up-to-date. To later change from channel subscription versioning to manual versioning, you must first delete and then redeploy the application.
    • Click Channel subscription to subscribe to the upgrade channel. When new versions are available, the versions are added to the channel and updated in your Maximo Application Suite instance automatically or after approval. To approve upgrades, turn off the Automatic approval toggle.
    • Click Manual and then select the 8.5.0 version.
  4. On the Deploy application page, verify that Db2 Warehouse is configured. Maximo Predict can use the Db2 Warehouse instance that is configured at the system scope. For more information about configuring Db2 Warehouse, see Db2 Warehouse.
  5. Click Show advanced settings.
  6. For the Watson Machine Learning section, turn off the System managed toggle.
  7. Specify the following details for your instance of Watson Machine Learning.
    1. In the URL field, specify the URL. If IBM Cloud Pak for Data is deployed on a cluster or domain that is not the cluster or domain for Maximo Application Suite, ensure that you use an external URL.
    2. In the Version field, specify your version of Watson Machine Learning.
    3. In the Instance ID field, specify wml_local.
  8. Optional: In the Explainability service section, enable the explainability service. When the explainability service is enabled, explanations for model time series classifications, forecasting, and anomaly detection are automatically added to the database. Your data scientist can access these explanations to learn more about the model and its predictions and anomaly detection. Ensure that you configured Watson Machine Learning and as part of activating Maximo Predict, you configure Watson™ Studio.
  9. Click Deploy.

On the Overview tab, you can monitor the deployment status. If the deployment fails, delete and then redeploy the application. Deployment is complete when the Application card contains a green checkmark and the Activate button is displayed. Select Activate.

Activating Maximo Predict

After Activate is selected, on the Activate in workspace page, verify that the Maximo Health and Maximo Monitor applications are deployed and, optionally, Watson™ Studio is configured. The Watson™ Studio URL, username, and password are the IBM® Cloud Pak for Data URL, username, and password. You must configure Watson™ Studio if you enabled the explainability service.

For more information on deploying Maximo Health, see Deploy Maximo Health. For more information on deploying Maximo Monitor, see Deploy Maximo Monitor.

Click Activate and then click Activate again. Activating an application does not automatically grant your users access to the application. The application is activated when the Workspace card contains a green checkmark.

Next steps

For next steps, review Getting started as an application administrator.

Update Maximo Predict

The following steps are specific to the Maximo Predict application and are part of the overarching application update process. You must complete the pre-update, update, and post-update steps before you start using the updated application.

The update process that you complete is determined by the update method that the application uses.

Pre-update steps

Ensure Maximo Health is updated to the same version.

Updating Maximo Predict in a channel subscription

If automatic updates are not configured for the channel subscription, you must complete a few steps to update the application.

The following update steps are completed in Maximo Application Suite:

  1. From the Suite catalog, from the Applications tab, on the Predict tile, click Update available or Multiple updates available. The Multiple updates available button is displayed instead of the Update available button when both a version and channel update are available.

If you clicked Update available, proceed to step 3. If you clicked Multiple updates available, proceed to step 2.

  1. On the Update notifications dialog box, for the version that you are updating to, click Review update.
  2. Click Approve upgrade.

The application update process might require software downloads and more configuration steps. The estimated update time is an estimate based on typical network speeds and processing performance.

Important: During the deployment of the new versions, users might temporarily lose access to the applications while they are being updated.

Manually updating Maximo Predict

The following update steps are completed in Maximo Application Suite:

  1. From the Suite catalog, from the Applications tab, on the Predict tile, click Update available. Information about the latest version is displayed. From the Version field, you can select a different supported version to deploy. To deploy a version that is not listed, such as a specific fix, from the Version field, click Other version and then in the Other version number field, specify the version number. Fix version information is provided by your IBM representative.

  2. Click Deploy version to start the deployment process. The application update process might require software downloads and more configuration steps. The estimated update time is an estimate based on typical network speeds and processing performance.

Important: During the deployment of the new versions, users might temporarily lose access to the applications while they are being updated.

You can also manually upgrade and edit the configuration from the Overview tab for the application. To upgrade, from the Actions menu, click Application versions.

Post-update steps

The Maximo Predict application requires no post-update steps.