Getting started for application users

Get started using Maximo® Health, Maximo Predict, or Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities by creating a private view, reviewing work queues, configuring a sample health score, reviewing options for predictive modeling, setting up dissolved gas analysis (DGA), and reviewing asset investment optimization options.

About this process

If an error occurs or data is not available after you log in, contact your application administrator to verify that enterprise asset management (EAM) system integration or data load is complete and that you have access to at least one site, have a default insert site specified in your Users application record, and are a member of at least one security group for the application or industry solution.

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, you can update your own user record by logging in to Maximo Manage and then from the toolbar, clicking Profile > Default Information and for the Default Insert Site, specifying the site from which you most often insert records.

Step 1: Create a private view

You can use views to track performance and condition indicators, such as costs and age, or review data for replacement planning. When a view is created, all available column, query, and filter options are saved to the view even if the columns, queries, or filters are not used in the view. You can use views on Assets and Locations pages to sort data in the table or on the map. On the map, assets or locations might be automatically clustered at higher zoom levels.

To create a private view, complete the following steps:
  1. From the navigation menu, select Assets or Locations.
  2. From the views drop down, select a view that most closely resembles the data that you want to track.
  3. Update the information that is shown in the table. You might update the information in one or more of the following ways:
    • Resize or resort columns. Columns that contain calculated values, such as the Age column or Criticality column, cannot be sorted on.
    • Click the columns icon and then reorder or hide columns or click Manage columns to add or remove columns from the table.
    • Click the filter icon and select a new query or filter options.
  4. Click the three-dot menu and then click Save as.
  5. Specify a name for the view and then click Save.

Step 2: Review work queues

You can use work queues to take action and improve the quality of your assets' details and related data. Work queues contain assets that require similar action, such as assets that are missing a criticality score or assets that are in low health. You can supply missing details in your other integrated EAM system.
  1. From the navigation menu, select Work queues.
  2. Select a missing data work queue that contains at least one asset. For example, Missing replacement cost.
  3. Open the asset and from the Actions menu, click Edit source asset record and specify the missing data in the source record.
  4. In the work queue, open the asset again and then change the status of the Queue unaddressed toggle to Queue addressed.

By default, assets are eligible for work queues every 30 days. For example, an asset that is in the Low health work queue is addressed and the asset is removed from the queue. 30 days later, if the asset's health score is low again or never improved, the asset returns to the work queue. Application administrators can change when assets are eligible for work queues.

Step 3: Configure a sample score

You can configure scores that reflect your performance and condition indicators and reveal the root causes of failures. To get started with scoring, complete the following tasks:
  1. From the navigation menu, select Scoring.
  2. Review the scoring ranges for the different score types and configure the ranges, as needed.
  3. Review the sample contributors.
  4. Create a scoring group. In Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, you can connect the group to a IBM Watson® Studio notebook instead of manually building scores in the industry solution. If you connect the group to an asset-class specific notebook, ensure that the query for the group retrieves assets of that class.

After the group is created, add scores to the group, configure data sources that contribute to score calculations or a single formula, and then indicate how much weight each contributor has in the score calculation.

After a score is activated, by default, unique scores are generated for assets or locations in the group once a day and not necessarily as soon as the score is activated. You can manually calculate or recalculate scores for individual assets or locations by opening an asset or location and then selecting Actions > Recalculate scores. To recalculate all active scores for all assets or locations in scoring group, in the scoring group, in the Scores table, click Recalculate scores. Recalculating scores for many groups at one time can affect performance.

Step 4: For Maximo Predict and Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, review options for predictive modeling

If you have Maximo Predict or Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, you can work with your data scientist to generate different types of predictions for your assets, such as current failure probability or failure dates. Predictive models can't be used for locations.

From the navigation menu, select Predict grouping and then create a group of assets that you want predictions to be generated for. Assets must not be included in multiple groups. If the asset is in more than one group, prediction data for the asset cannot be determined when the asset is opened outside of the group.

After the group is created, in the Trained instances table, review more information about the available model types. After you share the group ID with your data scientist, the data scientist can build and train predictive models for the group in IBM Watson Studio. As models are trained, the models appear in the Trained model instances for this group table.

After a model is trained, for each asset, a Predictions section is populated with predictions and related data for the asset. For example, asset records might contain the current probability of different failure modes, the number of days until a specific failure mode might occur, or if detected anomalies signal a probable failure. You can use the failure analysis tree to learn more about the models results. For more information, see Failure analysis tree.

You can enable predictive models to contribute to assets' scores by creating a contributor for that model.

Step 5: For Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, configure dissolved gas analysis (DGA)

In transformer-type assets, a new Dissolved gas analysis section is available. The section contains the Duval triangle card and the History of combustible gas analysis card. You can use the Duval triangle card to review DGA samples and the percentages of methane, ethylene, and acetylene in each sample. You can use the History of combustible gas analysis chart to review a history of samples and the condition rating of each sample.

Before you can use the cards, your data scientist must configure the notebook to support the settings and then the notebook must be connected to a group on the Scoring and DGA settings page. After your data scientist has configured the notebook, complete the following steps:
  1. On the Scoring and DGA settings page, click Create a scoring and DGA group and create a new group. Ensure that the group is connected to a notebook and that you select a notebook that contains the DGA scoring. DGA settings are applied to all assets in that group, and DGA is only available for transformer-type assets.
  2. In the Scores table, activate the scores. In some cases, DGA settings might rely on the calculation of other score types.
  3. In the Scored assets table, select a transformer asset.
  4. Open the Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) section and verify that data is available in the Duval triangle card and History of combustible gas analysis chart.

Step 6: For Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities: Review asset investment optimization options and prepare asset data

In Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, you can create investment projects from the Assets page and then generate optimized investments for assets in the project based on unique investment strategies. Before assets can have optimized investments, some data must exist, including risk scores and an asset type. For more information, see Configuring an investment project.

In a project, you can compare and contrast the costs, schedules, and resulting risk scores if each strategy was implemented. When you're ready to start scheduling or reviews with your investment planner, export strategy details as a .csv file.

If asset investment optimization is not available in your Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities instance, contact your application administrators to confirm that asset investment optimization was enabled. For more information on troubleshooting, see the article on IBM Support.