Getting started

The following flow shows a typical scenario for getting started with Maximo Monitor.

Before you begin

  1. In a customer-managed environment, deploy Maximo Monitor in Maximo Application Suite. For instructions, see the Maximo Application Suite documentation.
  2. Log in to the Maximo Application Suite user interface (see Accessing Maximo Monitor).
  3. Select Maximo Monitor from the Application Navigator.
  4. Explore sample data: Create some simulated data for sample entity types to explore the capabilities of Maximo Monitor. For more information, see Creating sample data.
  5. Explore sample dashboards: Explore the sample device dashboard that is provided with the sample entity types (see Exploring sample dashboards).
  6. Complete the tutorials. Complete the Analytics tutorials to become familiar with the capabilities of Analytics Service. Complete the Monitoring tutorials to gain experience of building instance and summary dashboards.


Complete these steps to get started with Maximo Monitor.

Step 1. Plan your deployment

  1. Determine how to add input data. You can ingest input data by using the Platform Service, you can ingest data from FactoryTalk through a data connector, or you can use built-in or custom python functions to load input data (see step 2).
  2. Define the metrics, dimensions, and alerts that you want to monitor for your entities on device dashboards.
  3. Define the KPIs and alerts that you want to monitor on summary dashboards. Use some of the built-in functions to create the calculations. For more information, see Working with calculations.
  4. Define the hierarchy by using dimensions for drilling down through levels on the dashboards. For more information, see Configuring summary dashboards.
  5. Decide how you want to display each data item on a dashboard. For information about the card types, see Dashboard features.

Step 2. Generate input data

The dashboards visualize data that is stored in the data lake. Before using the dashboards, add data for your entities to the data lake and apply calculations by using Analytics Service.

Add input data through the platform or IoT Tool

Add input data through a connector

Step 3. Organize devices into a hierarchy of nodes

Import a hierarchy of organization, site, system, location, and asset nodes. Assign devices to levels of the hierarchy. For more information, see Getting started with hierarchies.

If Maximo Monitor is integrated with Maximo Manage, the nodes are created, updated, and organized in a hierarchy in Maximo Manage. For more information, see Integrating with Maximo Manage).

Step 4. (Optional) Apply calculations to input data

Run statistical functions on the input data. Statistical functions create new data items by applying calculations to the input data items. You can configure the built-in functions and apply them to your device type or hierarchy nodes. For more information, see Working with calculations.

Use anomaly detection built-in functions to find patterns in your time series data that do not confirm to expected behavior. For more information, see Detecting anomalies.

Step 5. (Optional) Develop custom functions

If the built-in functions do not meet your data analysis requirements, you can create custom functions and register them with Analytics Service.

Explore the built-in functions that are provided in the catalog and that are applied to the sample device types. Use these built-in functions as a guide for creating your own custom functions.

For more information, see Tutorial: Adding a custom function.

Step 6. (Optional) Configure summary dashboards

Create some summary dashboards for your device types (see Configuring summary dashboards).

Step 7. Configure device dashboards

Create some device dashboards for your device types (see Configuring device dashboards).

Step 8. Configure dashboards for hierarchy nodes

Create some dashboards for your hierarchy nodes (see Creating dashboards).

Step 9. Explore the dashboards

When dashboards are configured and data is available, explore the data (see Exploring a dashboard).