Preloaded data on mobile devices

Instead of downloading individual records to initialize a Maximo® Mobile application on mobile devices, you can download a compressed database that contains all supporting data.


In previous releases, initializing a Maximo Mobile application for the first time on a mobile device might take an extended amount of time. Downloading applications and storing supporting data from the server to the mobile device took up most of the time that is spent during the onboarding process.

You can now download a pre-populated SQLCipher database that contains all supporting data needed by the mobile applications. Each database is customized for a group and delivered as a compressed package to a mobile device.

This database is built on the server regularly by the MobileDbCronTask crontask. When applications are updated, the crontask updates the pre-populated database. The database is built in the folder specified in the system property.

Person groups

Maximo Mobile determines which prepopulated database to download based on assigned person groups. If a user belongs to more than one person group, then they are shown a list of available databases.

When you update a user profile, confirm that the user is a member of the intended group to ensure that they receive the correct database.

Crontask configuration considerations

How often your data changes dictates how often the MobileDbCronTask is run. If your data changes daily, you might consider running the crontask weekly. If your organization establishes new users intermittently, you might consider configuring the crontask to run less frequently. Existing users can always refresh data in their mobile application to ensure that they have the latest information.

To decrease the time it takes a device to download the preloaded database, you can increase the ThreadCount parameter for better performance.


If an error occurs during the creation of the SQLCipher database, the log file provides information about the object structure, query, and select statement that generated the error. Returned fields include USERID, SELECT, TABLENAME, SAVEDQUERY, OBJECTSTRUCTURE, and ERRORMESSAGE. The ERRORMESSAGE field contains the error message that is returned by the OSLC integration and the page that generated the error. The administrator receives an email about the crontask failure with log information.

In addition, the administrator can retrieve status information from the browser by opening HTTPS://hostname:port/maximo/oslc/graphite/mobile/db?info=1&user=username. The complete mobile ID record is displayed in JSON for the user who is specified in the user parameter. If no user is specified, information for the user who is logged in is displayed. If the info parameter is set to all, then all mobile ID records are returned as JSON.

You can download the entire database as a compressed file to examine its contents. For example, you might want to verify that all expected data is included. Retrieve the database file from the browser by opening HTTPS://hostname:port/maximo/oslc/graphite/mobile/db?mobileDbId=mobiledbid.

The mobiledbid value can be found in the Maximo Mobile logs by searching for MOBILEDBID.