Enabling voice-guided inspections

You enable the voice inspection feature so that inspectors can complete hands-free inspections on a mobile device. The inspection form is read aloud to the inspector and the inspector's verbal responses are recorded in the inspection form.

Before you begin

Voice inspections are available to customers who have IBM® Maximo® Manage, IBM Maximo Assist, and IBM Maximo Mobile. To enable voice inspections, you must ask your sales representative for the IBM Watson® service instance and API key information.

About this task

Note: Starting in Maximo Application Suite 9.0, the voice inspection feature is no longer available in Maximo Assist. If voice inspections is enabled and you are upgrading to Maximo Application Suite 9.0, this feature is automatically removed during the upgrade.


  1. In Maximo Application Suite, configure Maximo Assist for IBM Watson™ services:
    1. Log in to Maximo Application Suite.
    2. On the Suite administration page, select catalog from the menu, then click the Assist tile.
    3. Select View deployment details, find your workspace, and select Go to workspace details page.
    4. From the Actions menu, select Update configuration.
    5. In the Configurations list, edit one of the IBM Watson services.
    6. In the Endpoint field, specify your IBM Watson service instance.
    7. Required: Configure the API key for IBM Watson services:
    8. Repeat steps 1d - 1f for all other IBM Watson services in the Configurations list.
    9. Select Apply changes and then select Activate.
    Option Description
    If you are configuring IBM Watson services for the first time Enter the API key for your IBM Watson service.
    If you are updating an existing configuration for IBM Watson services. Click Replace secret.
  2. Assign the Assist user role to the inspectors who want to complete voice inspections:
    1. On the Suite administration page, select Users from the menu, and open the user record for the inspector.
    2. Click Edit and in the Application access section of the user record, in the Assist row, in the Access field, select User as the user role.
    3. Save the changes and wait for the update to complete.
    4. Repeat steps 2a - 2c for other inspectors who want to complete voice inspections.
  3. In Maximo Assist, create the Assist API key:
    1. Log in to Maximo Assist, select Configuration > API keys, and click Create API key.
    2. Specify a name and description for the new API key.
    3. In the Role association section, select the Voice APIs role and then click Save.
    4. Required: In the API key successfully created dialog box, copy and save the generated API key.
      The API key details are required to configure a system property for voice inspections.
  4. In Maximo Manage, configure voice inspections:
    1. Log in to Maximo Manage and in the System properties application, add the following properties:
      Property Description Type Value

      Enables the voice assistant in mobile inspection forms in Maximo Application Suite.

      Yorn 1

      Defines the endpoint name that is used by the voice assistant.


      Defines the voice assistant domain. The domain must contain the protocol, hostname, and port of the service.

      ALN The URL of the Maximo Assist application

      Defines the API key that is used to authenticate the voice assistant.

      ALN The API key generated in step 3d
    2. Save your changes, select the four new properties, and then click Live Refresh.
  5. Add a crontask for voice inspections:
    1. In the Cron Task Setup application, select New crontask Definition and enter the following details:
      Cron Task
      Access Level
    2. Add a crontask instance with the following details:
      Cron Task Instance Name
      Run as User
    3. Set the crontask to active and save the definition.
  6. Enable voice inspections:
    1. In the Manage Inspection Forms tool, create a revision of the inspection that you want to enable voice inspections for.
    2. Open Form settings, select Enable voice inspection, save the inspection, and set the revision to active.


In Maximo Mobile, in the inspection record, the inspector can tap the microphone icon to start a voice inspection. Voice inspections can be completed on inspections that have a status of in progress.