Upgrading duplicated applications for Maximo Mobile 9.0

There are unique steps to upgrade a duplicated application from Maximo® Mobile 8.11 to Maximo Mobile 9.0.

About this task

The Maximo Application Framework configuration application 9.0 Upgrade action is compatible with duplicated applications from Maximo Mobile 8.11.

The upgrade process requires the use of one or more delta files, for example, app.delta.xml, that contain configuration changes made to a duplicated Maximo Mobile 8.11 application. Starting with Maximo Mobile 8.11, the Maximo Application Framework configuration application automatically creates these delta files.


  1. Run the Docker image to start the Maximo Application Framework configuration application.
    docker run -it --privileged -p 3001:3001 -p 3006:3006 -v /home/core/maximo_9_0_workspace_directory:/graphite/.workspace -it cp.icr.io/cp/manage/maf-tools:9.0
    This command starts Maximo Application Framework configuration application 9.0 and creates the workspace for Maximo Mobile 9.0 applications.
  2. Log into the Maximo Application Framework configuration application and then download the version of the application that you duplicated in Maximo Mobile 8.11 from the application list.
    For this example, the application duplicated from the Technician application is called TMT01.
    The TMT01 application is downloaded into the local /home/core/maximo_9_0_workspace_directory directory.
  3. From your local system, copy the app.delta.xml delta file from the Maximo Application Framework configuration application 8.11 workspace to the 9.0 workspace.
    For example, copy /home/core/maximo_8_11_workspace_directory/TMT01/src/app.delta.xml to /home/core/maximo_9_0_workspace_directory/TMT01/src/app.delta.xml.
  4. Select the TMT01 application from the application list.
    The TMT01 application should display a Version value similar to 8.11.0.
  5. From the action menu, select Upgrade.
  6. To apply changes from the delta file, click Yes.
  7. Review and then close the Upgrade results window.
  8. Click the file selection list and select the app.xml.log file to review the changes that were made to upgrade TMT01 to version 9.0.
  9. Publish the TMT01 application to the server.