Preparing storage repositories

Before you can store and view attached documents, you must determine a storage option and complete the configuration requirements for that option. Both persistent storage and cloud storage options are available.

Preparing persistent storage repositories

If you want to use a Network File System (NFS) to provide storage for attached documents, you must provision a persistent storage volume for Maximo Manage using the Kubernetes persistent volume (PV) framework.

Setting up the storage is outside of the scope of the Maximo Manage deployment and must be completed before you deploy the application. Then, when you deploy the application, you can configure a persistent claim to the amount of storage that you need for attached documents.

While the detailed steps for preparing storage depend on your organization's specific implementation, the following guidelines provide a high-level summary of the tasks to complete when you set up NFS storage:
  • Deploy an NFS server and ensure that the server is enabled and started.
  • Export an NFS file share and ensure that it is accessible. In the file share, specify the directory to use for attached documents, the IP address for a method to access the directory, and the authorizations for accessing the folder. Ensure that everyone has read and write access to the directory. When you deploy Maximo Manage, you specify the mount path for the directory when you create the persistent volume claim for the storage. You also specify the directory when you configure system properties for attached documents in Maximo Manage.
  • In Kubernetes, within Red Hat® OpenShift®, set up an NFS provisioner and class. Note the class name because you specify the class name for your persistent volume claim when you deploy Maximo Manage.
  • Create a persistent volume storage resource. Note the volume name because you specify the volume name for your persistent volume claim when you deploy Maximo Manage.

For more information about setting up persistent storage, see Understanding persistent storage in Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

Preparing S3 storage

If you want to use Simple Storage Service (S3) cloud object storage for storing attachments, you must first create a bucket for storing the attachments.

Note the access key, secret key, S3 endpoint URI, and name of the storage bucket. You specify those values when you configure the following system properties:
  • mxe.cosaccesskey
  • mxe.cossecretkey
  • mxe.cosendpointuri
  • mxe.cosbucketname