Maximo Application Suite instance requirements

Review the requirements for planning your instance of Maximo® Application Suite. You must provide the instance name, domain name, and workspace ID when you install and set up Maximo Application Suite. These values are used to create the user interface URLs for Maximo Application Suite and its applications.

Instance name

The instance name identifies the Maximo Application Suite installation on your Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster. For example, an instance name might be nonproduction or production.

The instance name is not included with your Maximo Application Suite URL.

In the following examples, <instance_name> is an instance name.

Domain name and DNS server

Determine a domain name and then work with your DNS administrators to ensure that your domain name is connected to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

The domain name is included with your Maximo Application Suite URL:https://<workspace_id>.home.<mas_domain>

Important: The domain name for your Maximo Application Suite instance must be resolvable within the Red Hat OpenShift cluster that you are deploying to.

You need the following DNS records. <mas_domain> is a domain name.

  • admin.<mas_domain>
  • api.<mas_domain>
  • auth.<mas_domain>
  • home.<mas_domain>
  • *.home.<mas_domain>
  • messaging.iot.<mas_domain>
  • *.messaging.iot.<mas_domain>
  • assist.<mas_domain>
  • *.assist.<mas_domain>
  • health.<mas_domain>
  • *.health.<mas_domain>
  • iot.<mas_domain>
  • *.iot.<mas_domain>
  • manage.<mas_domain>
  • *.manage.<mas_domain>
  • monitor.<mas_domain>
  • *.monitor.<mas_domain>
  • predict.<mas_domain>
  • *.predict.<mas_domain>
  • visualinspection.<mas_domain>
  • *.visualinspection.<mas_domain>

Workspace ID

The Maximo Application Suite workspace is a unique collection of configuration settings for your Maximo Application Suite instance.

The workspace ID is included in your Maximo Application Suite URL. In the following example URL, <workspace_id> is the workspace ID: