Migrating customizations using customization archives

All customer-specific changes, such as Java™ classes, XML files, and database scripts, must be included in a customization archive. You create the customization archive in a location accessible to IBM® Maximo® Application Suite during deployment. The structure of the customization archive is the same as the Maximo Asset Management folder structure. Test the customization archive in a development or test environment before you apply it to the production environment.

About this task

The following diagram shows the customization process:
Customization process feedback loop


  1. Prepare the database.
    Prepare a test database as a duplicate of the existing Maximo Asset Management production database.
  2. Create a customization archive.
    For more information, see Creating customization archives section. If your customization includes a web.xml file, such as customer servlet, filters, changes in the order of the servlet startup, context parameters, or session timeout:
    1. Install Maximo Manage with industry solutions and add-ons without customization on an empty database.
    2. Extract the web.xml file.
      Use the oc rsync command to retrieve the web.xml file.
    3. Apply your changes.
    4. Copy the web.xml file to the customization archive in the appropriate directory.
      Note: Ensure that the location of the customization archive is accessible by the Red Hat® OpenShift®.
  3. Deploy the application.
    Use Maximo Application Suite to configure Maximo Manage, industry solutions and add-ons to point to the database to upgrade and other configurations. Specify the location of the customization archive. Deploy.
  4. Activate the application.
    Maximo Manage updates the database and deploys workloads to the liberty containers.
  5. Test the application.
  6. Optional: Using the admin image pod that contains maxinst, in the Red Hat OpenShift console, copy the entire build directory with the customization and compile. You can use IDE to build the Maximo Manage project with customizations.

What to do next

After you fix any errors, create a customization archive again with the updated code. Deploy and activate the Maximo Manage application. After successful testing, use the customization archive in the production environment.