Maximo Application Suite cannot be upgraded during data migration

Starting in 8.11, if IBM® Maximo® Application Suite is configured for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication, a data migration conflict might occur when you upgrade. To resolve, you must create a ConfigMap in the Maximo Application Suite core namespace in Red Hat® OpenShift®.

A data migration conflict occurs when the environment contains any user whose userid is not the same as their username and authentication is configured to use SAML. Create a ConfigMap to migrate data by using either the SAML username or SAML userid.

About this task

If you see the following error message in Red Hat OpenShift when you upgrade Maximo Application Suite, create a ConfigMap:
Unable to upgrade from MAS Core {{ currentVersion }} to {{ targetVersion }}:
      Conflict detected when running Data Migration job.
      This error occurs when you have users of type SAML with userid != username.


Use either a YAML file in Red Hat OpenShift or Red Hat OpenShift commands to create the ConfigMap.

Check with your application administrator to determine which field is being used for the link between Maximo Application Suite and the SAML identity provider. If user ID is used, use _id in the ConfigMap, otherwise use username.

Attention: If the wrong field is used, access to Maximo Application Suite might be lost and the fields must be updated manually.

  • Create a ConfigMap by using a YAML file.
    1. In Red Hat OpenShift from the side navigation menu, click Workloads > ConfigMaps and then click Create ConfigMap.
    2. Click YAML view.
    3. Add configmap name in metadata and saml_id_field_link in data.
      You can add either _id or username in the <your_saml_id_link> field.
    4. Click Create.
      For example, the following YAML uses the SAML userid to migrate data:
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: 'datarepair-config-811'
        namespace: <your_mas_core_namespace>
        saml_id_field_link: <your_saml_id_link>
  • Create a ConfigMap by using Red Hat OpenShift commands.
    In your command window, run the following commands:
    oc project mas-<instance_id>-core
    echo 'apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
     name: 'datarepair-config-811'
     saml_id_field_link: <your_saml_id_link>' | oc apply -f -

What to do next

In Red Hat OpenShift, from the side navigation menu, click Workloads > Pods > Logs, verify that all users are migrated.