
Air gap

A Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster without internet connectivity. See also Disconnected.


Ansible is an IT automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs. Designed for multitier deployments since day one, Ansible models IT infrastructure by describing how all of your systems inter-relate, rather than just managing one system at a time. Ansible does not use agents or additional custom security infrastructure. It uses simple language (YAML, in the form of Ansible Playbooks) so you can describe your automation jobs in a way that approaches plain English.

Ansible playbook

Ansible Playbooks offer a repeatable, reusable, simple configuration management and multi-machine deployment system, one that is suited to deploying complex applications. If you need to execute a task with Ansible more than once, write a playbook and put it under source control. Then you can use the playbook to push out new configuration or confirm the configuration of remote systems.

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open source distributed event streaming platform that is used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.

For more information, see

Apache Spark

With IBM® Analytics for Apache Spark for IBM Cloud®, you can run jobs on an Apache Spark cluster. You can:
  • Run Jupyter Notebook and jobs from other tools in IBM Watson® Studio analytics projects by selecting an Apache Spark environment runtime. Install this service either before or after you install the Watson™ Studio service.
  • Run Spark SQL or jobs for data transformation, data science, or machine learning using Spark job APIs. The Spark job APIs do not require the Watson Studio service.

App connect

Use App Connect to connect your different applications and make your business more efficient. Set up flows that define how data is moved from one application to one or more other applications. App Connect supports a range of skill levels and interfaces, giving you the flexibility to create integrations without writing a single line of code. You can use a web user interface or drop resources into a toolkit that gives a broader range of configuration options. Your entire organization can make smarter business decisions by providing rapid access, visibility, and control over data as it flows through your business applications and systems from a single place - App Connect.

Application scope

The configuration is set for and can be used by a single application. For example, the JDBC connection that is used by the application.

Amazon Web Services CLI

The command line interface used for managing Amazon Web Services (AWS) services.

Amazon SES

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that enables developers to send mail from within any application. You can configure Amazon SES quickly to support several email use cases, including transactional, marketing, or mass email communications. Amazon SES's flexible IP deployment and email authentication options help drive higher deliverability and protect sender reputation, while sending analytics measure the impact of each email. With Amazon SES, you can send email securely, globally, and at scale.

Bastion node

A bastion host is a special purpose host usually exposed on a public network and configured to securely provide services to the network isolated Red Hat OpenShift cluster (for example, a local image registry mirror).


A trusted third-party organization or company that issues the digital certificates. The Certificate Authority (CA) typically verifies the identity of the individuals who are granted the unique certificate. See also Certificate authority.

Catalog source

A catalog source is a repository of CSVs, CRDs, and packages that define an application.

Certificate authority

A trusted third-party organization or company that issues the digital certificates. The Certificate Authority (CA) typically verifies the identity of the individuals who are granted the unique certificate. See also CA .


Amazon Web Services (AWS) that lets a customer model, provision, and manage AWS resources via infrastructure as a code. For more information, see

Cloud Internet Services (CIS)

Cloud Internet Services (CIS) provides reliability, performance, and security for Internet facing applications, websites, and services using Cloudflare's 165+ Global Points of Presence (PoPs). It includes Domain Name Service (DNS), Global Load Balancer (GLB), Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), Transport Layer Security (TLS), Rate Limiting, Smart Routing, and Caching.

Cloud Service Provider

A cloud service provider is a third-party company offering a cloud-based platform, infrastructure, application, or storage services.


A group of nodes or machines in Kubernetes infrastructure, which is composed of primary and secondary nodes.

Compute nodes

Compute nodes and worker nodes are two terms that are used interchangeably. Both refer to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform nodes on which IBM Maximo® Application Suite application, and dependency workloads are scheduled.


The basic units of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform applications are called containers. Linux® container technologies are lightweight mechanisms for isolating running processes so that they are limited to interacting with only their designated resources. The word container is defined as a specific running or paused instance of a container image.

Control plane nodes

Control plane nodes and master nodes are two terms that are used interchangeably. Both refer to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform nodes on which key Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform control plane services are scheduled.

Custom resource

A custom resource (CR) is a resource that is implemented through the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition API. A resource is an endpoint in the Kubernetes API that stores a collection of API objects of a certain kind. For example, the built-in pod's resource contains a collection of pod objects. A custom resource is distinct from the built-in Kubernetes resources, such as the pod and service resources. Every custom resource is part of an API group.

DB2 Warehouse

IBM Db2® Warehouse is an analytics data warehouse that features in-memory data processing and in-database analytics. It is client-managed and optimized for fast and flexible deployment, with automated scaling that supports analytics workloads.


The Deployment and DeploymentConfig API objects in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provide two similar but different methods for fine-grained management over common user applications.


A Red Hat OpenShift cluster without internet connectivity. See also Air gap.


An open platform that developers and system administrators can use to build, ship, and run distributed applications.

Dynamic catalogs

The dynamic operator catalog is continuously updated. If you use the dynamic catalog, you will always have access to the latest operator updates.

This catalog is a curated catalog. The IBM Maximo Application Suite team takes a snapshot of the online IBM operator catalog and test compatibility of all dependent IBM operators with supported releases of IBM Maximo Application Suite, which allows the team to intercept any breaking changes that may have evaded other teams' testing before they reach your cluster. No updates are made to this catalog without extensive testing with all in-support version of IBM Maximo Application Suite.

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services that offers various types of computing capacity on the cloud.


An open source program for source control management.

GNU bash

The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell.


A specialized processor designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.

IBM Entitled Registry

The IBM Entitled Registry contains images for IBM Maximo Application Suite image and its applications and components, as well as for other different IBM products, like IBM Cloud Pak® for Data.

IBM operator catalog

IBM provides a catalog of product offerings in the form of a catalog index image. To display the IBM offerings in the Red Hat OpenShift operator catalog, you must enable the IBM operator catalog image on your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by deploying a CatalogSource resource.

IBM Suite License Service (SLS)

The IBM Suite License Service provides useful features for managing virtualized environments and measuring license utilization. License Service discovers the software that is installed in your infrastructure, helps you to analyze the consumption data, and allows you to generate audit reports. Each report provides you with different information about your infrastructure, for example the computer groups, software installations, and the content of your software catalog.

IBM User Data Services

IBM User Data Services collect, transform, and transmit product usage data. The information includes overall AppPoint entitlement and usage, installed applications and capabilities, license and AppPoint usage for each application, and contact person's name and email address for IBM to reach for any licensing discrepancies. The name and email address is configured at installation time. You do not have to be an IBM Maximo Application Suite user. Details of individual Maximo Application Suite users and breakdown of their usage are not transmitted.

The User Data Services is built with open source operators (Crunchy PostgreSQL) and IBM Event Streams. It includes APIs to collect usage data and enforce user-level consent for tracking usage.

IBM Data Reporter Operator

The IBM Data Reporter Operator accepts events and transforms them into reports that are submitted to the Data Service of the IBM Metrics Operator.

Raw json event data is sent to an endpoint that is serviced by the IBM Data Reporter Operator. The event data is transformed into a report and is sent to the IBM Data Service. The IBM Data Service periodically uploads the reports to Red Hat Marketplace.

Note: Starting in IBM Maximo Application Suite 9.0, 8.11.7, and 8.10.10, the User Data Services (UDS) is deprecated and replaced with IBM Data Reporter Operator (DRO).

For more information, see IBM Data Reporter Operator.

IBM Certificate Manager

IBM Certificate Manager service helps you manage and deploy SSL/TLS certificates for your apps and services. Certificate Manager provides you with a security-rich repository for your certificates and their associated private keys, and helps prevent outages by sending you notifications when your certificates are about to expire.

Cloud Pak for Data

IBM Cloud Pak for Data platform helps improve productivity and reduce complexity. Build a data fabric connecting siloed data distributed across a hybrid cloud landscape. This product offers a wide selection of  IBM and third-party services  spanning the entire data lifecycle. Deployment options include on-premises software version built on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, or a fully managed version built on the IBM Cloud .

IBM Cloud Pak for Data foundational services

The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services provides common services (for example, the IBM Certificate Manager), which are used by Maximo Application Suite and its dependencies.

IBM Maximo Application Suite

Terms such as instance, suite instance, and Maximo Application Suite mean an installation of the IBM Maximo Application Suite referenced by an unique name/id in the Red Hat OpenShift cluster. For example, in the mas-myinstance-core namespace/project you create to install IBM Maximo Application Suite, myinstance is the instance name/id. You could have multiple instances in the same Red Hat OpenShift cluster referenced by different unique names/ids.

IBM Watson Discovery

IBM Watson Discovery for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is an award-winning AI-powered intelligent search and text-analytics platform that helps you find valuable information that is buried in your enterprise data.

IBM Watson Machine Learning

IBM Watson Machine Learning provides a full range of tools and services so that you can build, train, and deploy Machine Learning models. Choose the tool with the level of automation or autonomy that matches your needs, from a fully automated process to writing your own code.

IBM Watson OpenScale

IBM Watson OpenScale is an enterprise-grade environment for AI applications that provides your enterprise visibility into how your AI is built, is used, and delivers return on investment. Its open platform enables businesses to operate and automate AI at scale with transparent, explainable outcomes that are free from harmful bias and drift.

IBM Watson Studio

IBM Watson Studio provides the environment and tools for you to collaboratively work on data to solve your business problems. You can choose the tools you need to analyze and visualize data, to cleanse and shape data, to ingest streaming data, or to create and train machine learning models.

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automationassembles certified software from the IBM Automation Platform for Digital Business on multiple cloud infrastructures. A private cloud vendor can be used as an enabling layer with a user interface and command line to limit access to members of an enterprise and partner networks.

image IDs

An image ID is a SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) code that can be used to pull an image. A SHA image ID cannot change. A specific SHA identifier always references the exact same container image content. For example:

image registry

An image registry is a content server that can store and serve container images. For example,

image repository

An image repository is a collection of related container images and tags identifying them. For example, the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Jenkins images are in the repository:


Containers in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform are based on OCI- or Docker-formatted container images. An image is a binary that includes all of the requirements for running a single container, as well as metadata describing its needs and capabilities.

image tags

An image tag is a label applied to a container image in a repository that distinguishes a specific image from other images in an image stream. Typically, the tag represents a version number of some sort. For example, here v3.11.59-2 is the


A command line JSON processor that filters, maps, and transforms JSON data.


Although container images and the containers that run from them are the primary building blocks for modern application development, to run them at scale requires a reliable and flexible distribution system. Kubernetes is the de facto standard for orchestrating containers. Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.


A mechanism in Kubernetes for isolating groups of resources in a single Kubernetes cluster. Namespace is a term generic to all Kubernetes implementations. See also project


A node is a virtual or bare-metal machine in a IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster. Worker nodes host your application containers, grouped as pods. The control plane nodes run services that are required to control the Kubernetes cluster. In Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, the control plane nodes contain more than just the Kubernetes services for managing the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

For more information, see

Object storage

Object storage, also called object-based storage, is an approach to addressing and manipulating data storage as discrete units, called objects. Objects are kept inside a single repository and are not nested as files inside a folder inside other folders.


Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) is a platform for developing and running containerized applications. It is designed to allow applications and the data centers that support them to expand from just a few machines and applications to thousands of machines that serve millions of clients. With its foundation in IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform incorporates the same technology that serves as the engine for massive telecommunications, streaming video, gaming, banking, and other applications. Its implementation in open Red Hat technologies lets you extend your containerized applications beyond a single cloud to on-premises and multi-cloud environments.


Operators are among the most important components of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Operators are the preferred method of packaging, deploying, and managing services on the control plane. They can also provide advantages to applications that users run.

For more information, see


A mechanism in Kubernetes for isolating groups of resources in a single Kubernetes cluster. Used interchangeably with namespace. See also namespace


Simple Storage Service by Amazon Web Services.

Service Binding Operator

Service Binding manages the data plane for applications and backing services. Service Binding Operator reads data made available by the control plane of backing services and projects the data to applications according to the rules provided via Service Binding resource.

Static catalogs

The static operator catalogs provide a fixed reference point. The static catalog does not change, which allows for completely reproducible installations no matter how much time passes between the installations.

To receive security updates and bug fixes, you must periodically update the static catalog versions that you have installed in the cluster. After you update the catalogs, all operators that you have installed from the catalog are automatically updated to the newer version.


Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform supports multiple types of storage, both for on-premises and cloud providers. You can manage container storage for persistent and non-persistent data in an Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

For more information, see


Strimzi provides a way to run an Apache Kafka cluster on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service in various deployment configurations.

For more information, see

System scope

The configuration is set for and can be used across the whole suite. For example, a JDBC configuration that can be used by all applications in the IBM Maximo Application Suite.


Terraform® is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure.


Power® your computing environment for modern applications using any combination of virtual machines, containers and Kubernetes with VMware vSphere, the industry’s leading server virtualization software.

worker nodes

A group of nodes or machines in Kubernetes infrastructure, composed of master and worker nodes.


A workspace is an aggregation of namespaces.

workspace application scope

The configuration is set for and can be used by a single application in the default workspace. Example: The JDBC connection that is used by the application in the default workspace.

workspace scope

The configuration is set for and can be used in the default workspace. Example: The JDBC connection that can be used by all applications in the suite.