Maximo Application Suite

Administering licenses and AppPoints usage

The user access limit for your Maximo® Application Suite organization is set by your contracted AppPoint entitlement. By monitoring your AppPoint usage, you can periodically review whether you need to adjust your entitlement and update your license file.

Note: The following information pertains to license management for customer-managed Maximo Application Suite. For IBM managed Maximo Application Suite, uploading of license keys is handled by your Maximo Application Suite representative. For more information, see your Welcome letter.

From the license and reporting page, you can do the following tasks:

Understand AppPoint allocation

The Maximo Application Suite license usage is managed by the Suite License Service (SLS). Each Maximo Application Suite instance can be connected to a unique SLS instance, or multiple Maximo Application Suite instances can share an SLS and the corresponding license file.

For shared Suite License Service, the following conditions apply to the usage report AppPoint data:

  • The pool of AppPoints granted by your license is shared among all Maximo Application Suite instances in the order of requests.
  • Reserved and concurrent user logins from multiple Maximo Application Suite instances only result in a single checkout of AppPoints on condition that the entitlement of the logged in user is the same.
  • Each Maximo Application Suite licensing report shows the total AppPoint usage across all Maximo Application Suite instances that share the Suite License Service.

View usage reports

The Report tab provides an overview of the AppPoint entitlement for your Maximo Application Suite contract and license information, such as start and expiration dates.

To get an overview of your organization's AppPoint usage over time, use the built-in reports to see how well your contracted AppPoints meet your environment requirements.

Use the report information to identify AppPoint overages to see whether they occur regularly and can be managed by adjusting your contract and uploading a new license.

The following reports are available from the license and compliance page:

  • The Overview report, which contains entitlement and AppPoint usage information for the selected time period, including average and peak usage and total number of login denials.
  • The Current month in detail report, which contains a chart that outlines how your AppPoint consumption varied over the last month. The chart is divided into reserved and concurrent user AppPoints with any denial or overage shown. Hover over a usage data point in the chart for details. For a more detailed breakdown of the AppPoint consumption by user entitlement, click Get report.
  • The Year to date report, which outlines the peak usage and login denial for each month.
Tip: You can also download the reports in .csv format for further analysis.

Understand AppPoint consumption

AppPoints usage is divided into reserved and concurrent usage.

Reserved usage
The AppPoints are reserved permanently from the organization pool when an authorized access user is created. Reserved AppPoints are also consumed when you deploy applications or capabilities that have a reserved cost. Non-production installations do not incur reserved costs for applications or capabilities.
Concurrent usage
The AppPoint cost is applied when a concurrent access user is logged in to Maximo Application Suite. When a user starts a session, AppPoints corresponding to the assigned entitlement are checked out. When the user session ends, the AppPoints are returned.

Understand denial and overage usage

Denial and overage usage shows the cumulative number of AppPoints that were blocked or that were checked out beyond your entitlement during the report window.

If your environment is configured for compliance enforcement, concurrent users are blocked from logging in if the AppPoint entitlement is exceeded. If enforcement is not configured, the overage might incur extra costs.

Configure session idle timeout

You can define how long users can stay logged in to the suite by enabling idle timeout and specifying how long a web browser session can be idle before that session is automatically logged out.

When users are logged out, their AppPoint cost is returned to the license pool. If idle timeout is disabled, users stay logged in until they actively log out. By default, sessions are timed out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

  1. From the Suite administration page, select license consumption.
  2. On the Configuration tab, enable Idle timeout.
  3. Specify the length of time a session can be idle before that session is automatically logged out.
  4. Save your changes.

Configure licenses

On the Configuration tab you can enable or disable compliance enforcement, set a default login message, set automatic reporting, and upload a new license file.

Set compliance enforcing

The number of AppPoints that are allocated to each Maximo Application Suite workspace is set by the product license. These AppPoints are consumed as you deploy applications, add-ons, and industry solutions that come with an AppPoint cost, and also when users log in and use the product. You can configure your environment to enforce the AppPoints limit and block users from logging in if the AppPoint entitlement is exceeded. For more information about AppPoint costs, see AppPoints.

When enforcement is enabled, you can optionally provide a login message that is displayed if a user's login is denied. Modify the sample message to fit your environment and situation.

The maximum number of simultaneous users are already logged in. Try logging in again in a little while.

Update your license key file

If changes are made to your IBM Maximo Application Suite license, you must upload a new license file that reflects that change.

The license update process includes two main tasks.

  1. Acquire your updated Maximo Application Suite license key.
    The license key is provided with your purchase of Maximo Application Suite. You can download the file in the License Key Center by logging in to your IBM Rational license Key Center account. The login information is provided with the license Key Center welcome letter. For more help on licensing, see the IBM Support - Licensing page on
    To create the license file, you must provide the following license server parameters that were provided in the license step of the setup process:
    Parameter Value
    Configuration Single
    Host ID The server MAC address
    Hostname The server Hostname
    Port The server port
    Default: 27000
    Host ID Type The server Ethernet address
  2. Update the license.

    You can replace your existing license key file by using the Suite administration page in Maximo Application Suite.

    1. On the Suite administration page, select license consumption.
    2. On the Configuration tab, click Replace license file.
    3. Upload the new license file.

The new license is applied on commit.

Note: If the license file update fails, Maximo Application Suite automatically rolls back to the previous license.