
Maximo Asset Monitor comes with a set of quotas for metrics such as messaging, API calls, and payload size.

The quotas are part of the Maximo Asset Monitor fair use policy to ensure that performance is not adversely impacted by misuse of the multi-tenant system. They also help prevent valid user workloads inadvertently being identified as a Denial of Service attacks.


Quotas specify the upper limits that are set for a resource. When usage exceeds a specified limit, user requests might be delayed or denied. In exceptional circumstances, exceeding limits that affect system stability might result in suspension of the connection service organization in Maximo Asset Monitor to prevent other users from being affected.

The following tables list the limits for the connection service component of Maximo Asset Monitor. Most of the limits that are specified are per Maximo Asset Monitor organization.

Some of the limits have an enforced maximum, while other limits can be increased upon request. If you need to increase the limits for your organization, contact Maximo Asset Monitor support.


Metric Quota
Maximum number of device types 1000
Maximum number of concurrently connected devices 500K
Maximum number of registered devices 1 million
Maximum 'A' Applications - shared 10 shared subscriptions, each with 50 instances
Maximum 'a' applications - non-shared 2000 API keys
Maximum Data per Month unlimited
Device connections 300/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (MQTT) - Device 10 msg/sec or 40 KB/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (MQTT) - Gateway 100 msg/sec or 400 KB/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (MQTT) - Application 20 msg/sec or 80 KB/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (MQTT) - per Organization 6000 msg/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (HTTP) - Device 1 msg/sec or 4 KB/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (HTTP) - Gateway 10 msg/sec or 40 KB/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (HTTP) - Application 2 msg/sec or 8 KB/sec
Device-to-Cloud sends (HTTP) - per Organization 600 msg/sec
Cloud-to-Device sends (MQTT) - Device 2 msg/sec or 8 KB/sec
Cloud-to-Device sends (MQTT) - Gateway 20 msg/sec or 80 KB/sec
Cloud-to-Device sends (MQTT) - Application 20 msg/sec or 80 KB/sec
Cloud-to-Device sends (MQTT) - per Organization 12K msg/sec
Cloud-to-Device sends (HTTP) - burst rate per Device 30 msg/min
Cloud-to-Device sends (HTTP) - per Organization 1200 msg/sec
Maximum number of inbound unacknowledged messages - per Device 10
Maximum number of inbound unacknowledged messages - per Gateway 1000
Maximum number of inbound unacknowledged messages - per application connection 2000
Maximum number of outbound unacknowledged messages - per Device 10
Device-to-Cloud persistence 24 hours
Cloud-to-Device persistence 48 hrs (default). Max 7 days & 50 queue depth
Maximum retry interval for delivering QoS 1 messages Retry on reconnect
Connection inactivity limit (keep alive interval) Specified by client on connection
WebSocket connection duration Specified by client on connection
Maximum message size 128 KB
Maximum subscriptions per device 50
Maximum subscriptions per application 500
Queue depth - maximum buffered messages per subscription per device 50
Maximum buffered messages for 'A' applications 50K durable, 50K non-durable


Metric Quota
API calls 10/sec

Rule Engine

Metric Quota
Maximum rules per Organization 1000
Actions per rule 10

Device Management

Metric Quota
Maximum size of diagnostic logs per device 500K
Maximum historical versions of diagnostic logs held 2
Maximum time diagnostic logs held 7 days
Maximum number of actions initiated per in-flight message 200
Maximum number of devices per action 5000

Last event cache

Metric Quota
Maximum number of event IDs per device 5
Maximum number of formats 3
Expiry from last event cache 45 days


Metric Quota
Maximum number of services with which you can bind 12

Information management

Metric Quota
Maximum nesting depth for JSON payload 5
Maximum JSON string size 512


Metric Quota
Maximum number of custom roles 20
Maximum number of user members 1000
Maximum number of devices in a resource group 300
Maximum number of resource groups assigned to a gateway 10
Maximum number of resource groups to which a device can belong 10