Accessing the pipeline logs

Review the pipeline log file for a device type to troubleshoot issues.

About this task

For each device type, when the pipeline stops, a pipeline log file is available for troubleshooting issues. The latest log file is available from the user interface. Older log files are available from Cloud Object Storage for 30 days.

You can access the file system in Cloud Object Storage using an open source tool FTP tool, such as Cyberduck, that supports the Amazon S3 protocol.

The log file name is made up of the start time followed by date. For example, 07341020190829.gz corresponds to a start time of 7:34 and 10 seconds on the 29 of August 2019.

Before you begin

Install CyberDuck on your local system.

Take note of the following information that is required to connect to Cloud Object Storage and find the log files for your device type. Click Usage on the user interface, select Object Storage and click View Details. Find the details for the IBM Cloud Object Storage service.

Parameter Description
Cross Region Endpoint A URI that identifies the region and host of your Object Storage instance.
Important Use the us-geo endpoint to access your data. Connecting to Object Storage by using any other endpoint will succeed, but you will not be able to see or access your data.
Access Key ID A 20 characters long alphanumeric string.
Secret Access Key A 40 character long alphanumeric string.
Logging bucket The name of the bucket that is used for the analytics logging.


Use these options to access log files for the pipeline.

Option 1: Access the log from the UI

  1. Log in to the user interface.
  2. On the side navigation, click Monitor.
  3. On the Device types tab, select a device type with a pipeline error (Pipeline error), and click Data.
  4. Click the warning icon beside the Analysis stopped messages (Analysis stopped) and click Show log. You can download the log to view it offline.

Option 2: Access the logs from Cloud Object Storage

  1. In Cyberduck, click Open Connection.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Amazon S3 as the connection type.
  3. For the server, enter the Cross Region Endpoint for your Object Storage environment.
  4. Enter the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that corresponds to your Object Storage environment.
  5. Click Connect.
  6. Expand the Object Storage bucket that corresponds to your log file.
  7. Locate the log file that corresponds to the day you want. It is in the following path: your_logging_bucket/your_entity_type/date/filename.gz
  8. From the Action menu, select a download option.
  9. Open the archive file locally to view the log information.

More information