Preventive maintenance overview

Preventive maintenance (PM) records are templates for scheduled preventive maintenance work. They are used to generate preventive maintenance work orders. PMs can contain job plan and corresponding safety plan information that is copied to work orders.

Information associated with a PM becomes part of the work order records you generate from the PM. You can create parent-child relationships between similar PMs to build a PM hierarchy, which enables you to generate hierarchies of related work orders. You can also schedule PM work for assets on a route.

When you create PMs for assets or locations, you determine how to schedule work for them. You can create schedules based on the following conditions:

You can create flexible schedules by using lead times, seasonal and extended dates, and by triggering work outside of a PM frequency cycle.

You can group PMs into hierarchies that model your assets and create PMs for routes. You can duplicate PM data by generating PMs from a template PM called a Master PM.

Calculations used for meter-based PMs

Estimated next due date calculation

If the Generate Work Order Based on Meter Readings (Do Not Estimate) check box is selected, the system calculates the Estimated Next Due Date values for meter-based PMs as follows:

Estimated Next Due Date = Today's Date + (Next Meter Reading - Generate WO Ahead By - Current Meter Reading) / Average Units per Day

Next meter reading calculation
  • If the Use Last Work Order's Start Date to Calculate Next Due Date check box on the Frequency tab is selected, then the Next Meter Reading = Meter Reading when the last work order was generated + Frequency.
  • If the Use Last Work Order's Start Date to Calculate Next Due Date check box on the Frequency tab is cleared, then the Next Meter Reading = Meter Reading when the last work order was closed + Frequency.