An action launch point associates a script with an action and executes when the specified action occurs. Use the Actions application to configure the associated action.
You can create actions to perform the following tasks:
To create a script with an action launch point, in the Automation Scripts application, select the Name field, this value is automatically duplicated in the Action field. You can change the value in the Action field to the precise name of an existing action that you intend to use. You can accept the duplicated value and create an appropriate action in the Actions application, by using the precise name specified in the launch point.
action. When you specify a value in thefrom java.util import Calendar
if status=='NEW' and reportedpriority==1 and assetnum is not None:
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, +1)
targetcontactdate = cal.getTime()
worklogset = mbo.getMboSet ('WORKLOG')
worklogentry = worklogset.add()
worklogentry.setValue('description','System initiated processing')