Auto-provisioning web services

MaaS360® eases the generation of the authentication token for using web services by introducing the Manage Access Keys option. Customers and partners can now generate access keys from the MaaS360 Portal without any intervention. Customers and partners can use this access key to generate an OAuth token.

Generate Access Key option

From MaaS360 Portal > Setup > Web Services API, select Manage Access Keys. The manage access keys option is available for customer and partner accounts with the Web Service-Access Keys access right only. Administrators can enable this access right for the customer and partner account from the Roles page. For more information about managing roles, see Access roles and rights for portal administrators.

In the Manage Access Keys page, use Generate Access Key to create a new access key. You can choose from the following three options to generate an access key:

  • MaaS360 Web Services: Use this option to quickly generate an access key to get an authentication token. Enter a Key Name that uniquely identifies this key in the future.
  • App Access Key: Use this option if you know the app ID, device platform, and version. Enter the Key Name, choose iOS or Android Platform ID, App ID, and Version.
  • Cisco ISE Integration: Use this option to allow Cisco ISE Integration to use the MaaS360 Web Services API. Enter a Key Name that uniquely identifies this key in the future.

Click Generate to complete access key generation. The access key that is generated is listed in the Manage Access Keys page.

Access Key
Note: You can only generate a platform-specific access key with this workflow.

Manage Access Keys page

The Manage Access Keys page lists all the access keys that are generated for a customer or partner account.
Manage Access Keys
Option Description
Key name Unique name that identifies the access key.
AppID The identifier that uniquely represents the app that is associated with the key name.
Status Defines whether the access key is active or inactive.
Last modified by Specifies the customer or partner account username who last modified the access key.
Last modified on The date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format that specifies when the access key was last modified.