Configuring search criteria

Examples of common searches in MaaS360®.

Search example Search criteria Advanced search expression Search results
Patch and patch data
All devices that have a specific patch that is installed on the device.
  1. Patch name contains Network
1 The search results return all devices that have operating system patches that contain the word Network installed on the device.
All devices that have a specific patch that is missing from the device.
  1. Patch name contains Network
NOT (1) The search results return all devices that have operating system patches that contain the word Network that are missing or not installed on the device.
  • All devices that have patches installed that contain the word Network in the patch name and are also missing critical security patches equal to version 1.
  • All devices with a specific patch installed that contains the word Network in the patch name and are also missing critical security patches equal to version 2.
  1. Patch name contains Network
  2. Missing critical security patches equal to 1
  3. Patch name contains Network
  4. Missing critical security patches equal to 2
(1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4)
  • The search results return all devices that have patches installed that contain the word Network in the patch name and are also missing critical security patches equal to 1.
  • The search results return all devices that have patches installed that contain the word Network in the patch name and are also missing critical security patches equal to 2.
All devices that have a specific operating system patch installed that contains the word Internet Explorer in the patch name and with a severity equal to Important and the operating system name contains Windows.
  1. Patch name contains Internet Explorer
  2. Severity is equal to Important
  3. Operating system name contains Windows
(1 AND 2) AND 3 The search results return all Windows devices that have operating system patches installed that contain the word Internet Explorer in the patch name with a severity equal to Important.
Applications and application data
All devices that have the Angry Birds app installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds
1 The search results return all devices that have the Angry Birds app installed on the device.
All devices that do not have the Angry Birds app installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds
NOT (1) The search results return all devices that do not have the Angry Birds app installed on the device.
All devices that have the Angry Birds app version 2.1 installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds Rio
  2. Application version equals 2.1
(1 AND 2) The search results return all devices that have a specific version of the app installed on the device.
All devices that do not have the Angry Birds app version 2.1 installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds Rio
  2. Application version equals 2.1
NOT (1 AND 2) The search results return all devices that have the Angry Birds app installed on the device, but the app version does not match the specific version. The search results also return all devices that do not have the Angry Birds app installed on the device.
All devices have the Angry Birds app version 2.1 or version 2.2 installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds Rio
  2. Application version equals 2.1
  3. Application version equals 2.2
(1 AND (2 OR 3)) The search results return all devices that have the Angry Birds app version 2.1 or version 2.2 installed on the device.
All devices that do not have the Angry Birds app version 2.1 or version 2.2 installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds Rio
  2. Application version equals 2.1
  3. Application version equals 2.2
NOT (1 AND (2 OR 3)) The search results return all devices that have the app installed on the device but does not match the specific app versions and all devices that do not have the specific app installed on the device.
All devices that have Angry Birds Rio (1) version 1.2 (2) or Pokemon Go (3) version 3.1 (4) installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Angry Birds Rio
  2. Application version equals 1.2
  3. Application name contains Pokemon Go
  4. Application version equals 3.1
(1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4) The search results return devices that have either of the apps, including the matching version of the app installed on the device.
All devices have both the Box (1) app and the Dropbox (2) app installed on the device.
  1. Application name contains Box
  2. Application name contains Dropbox
1 INTERSECT 2 The search results return all devices that have both apps that are installed on the device.
Certificates and certificate data
All devices that use certificates with the certificate name equal to Device Identity and are valid from 03/26/2017
  1. Certificate name is equal to Device Identity
  2. Certificate validity is equal to 03/26/2017
1 AND 2 The search results return all devices that use certificates that are named Device Identity that are valid from a specific date.
All devices that use certificates with the certificate name equal to Device Identity and expires between 03/26/2017 (start date) and 06/26/2017 (end date).
  1. Certificate name is equal to Device Identity
  2. Certificate expires between 03/26/2017


1 AND 2 The search results return all devices that use certificates that are named Device Identity that expire on the specific dates.

All Apple- manufactured devices that use certificates that are issued by IBM Corp and expire before 07/28/2017.

  1. Manufacturer is Apple
  2. End date is less than 07/28/2017
  3. Issuer name like IBM Corp
1 AND 2 AND 3 The search results return all devices from a specific manufacturer that use certificates that expire before the specific end date and that were issued from a certificate issuer with the name IBM Corp.
User groups

All devices that belong to the UG_TRK_1 user group and the user name equal to tejaswik and the operating system name contains iOS.

  1. User groups contain UG_TRK_1
  2. User name is equal to tejaswik
  3. Operating system name contains iOS
(1 AND 2) AND 3 The search results return all iOS devices for a particular user that belongs to a specific user group.
All active employee-owned devices that do not belong to the topexecs user group and the user name is not thierry.sarr.
  1. Device ownership is equal to employee-owned
  2. User group is not equal to topexecs
  3. User name is not equal to thierry.sarr
(1 AND 2 AND 3) The search results return all employee-owned devices that do not belong to a particular user group with a specific user group name and do not belong to a particular user with a specific user name.
Platform and operating system version (numeric) data

All devices that belong to iOS device platform with specified operating system version

  1. Platform name equal to iOS
  2. Operating system OS version (numeric) less than or equal to 11.0
(1 AND 2) The search results return all iOS devices with operating system version less than or equal to 11.0.

All devices that belong to Android device platform with specified operating system version

  1. Platform name equal to Android
  2. Operating system OS version (numeric) greater than or equal to 2.2
(1 AND 2) The search results return all Android devices with operating system version greater than or equal to 2.2.

All devices that belong to macOS device platform with specified operating system and with Angry Birds Rio application that is installed on the device

  1. Platform name equal to macOS
  2. Operating system OS version (numeric) greater than 10
  3. Application name contains Angry Birds Rio
(1 AND 2) AND 3 The search results return all macOS devices with operating system version greater than 10 and have the Angry Birds Rio app installed on the device.

All devices that belong to a Windows Phone device platform with specified operating system or with installed OS patches that contain Intel microcode updates

  1. Platform name equal to Windows Phone
  2. Operating system OS version (numeric) greater than or equal to 8
  3. Installed OS patches contain patch name Intel microcode updates
(1 AND 2) OR 3 The search results return an empty set.