Testing certificate integration

Follow these steps to test certificate integration on the Cloud Extender®.

Before you begin

Make sure that you saved the certificate template in the Template Configuration window.


  1. From the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool, click the Test icon.
    The Cloud Extender initiates a test against the template that is configured for certificate integration.
  2. In the Test Certificate window, enter Certificate Name (no spaces), Username, Domain, and Email Address.
    Note: The Cloud Extender Configuration Tool substitutes template values that are not collected on the Test Certificate window with Test or Blank.
    The Cloud Extender requests a new test certificate against the configured CA.
  3. Click OK. After Verifying completes, you can view that the test certificate is generated and validated successfully.
  4. Click the link to verify the test certificate details on Cloud Extender.
    Note: If the certificate test fails, check whether the certificate request was received by the CA server and why the request failed. You can also collect the diagnostic logs for Cloud Extender to troubleshoot the issue.


The test certificate is successfully validated and integrated with the Cloud Extender.