Viewing action history and events for a device

Information about the actions and events that occurred on devices in the IBM® MaaS360® Portal.

About this task

Follow these steps to view the actions and events that occurred on your devices in the IBM MaaS360 Portal.


  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Devices > Actions & Events.
  2. Review the following information for an action or event:
    Option Description
    Device Name The name of the device.
    Platform The platform of the device.
    Device ID The MDM ID of the device.
    Action Date The date that an action was taken on the device.
    Action The action that was taken on the device.
    Action By The user name of the administrator who performed the action on the device.
    IP Address The IP address of the device.
    Status The status of the action taken on the device.
    Note: For the Change Policy action taken on a device, the status column displays the current policy distribution status for the device. For more information on various policy distribution statuses, see Viewing device history in the MaaS360 Portal.
    Comments Any comments that are included with the action.
    Error Description Describes any errors on the device from the action that is taken on the device.
  3. Optional: Click Customize Columns. Choose one of the following actions, and then click Save to customize the column:
    • To add or remove columns, check or clear column names.
    • To reorder columns, hold and drag a column to a new position.
    • To display default columns on the page, click Default.
  4. Optional: Select a column name to filter action history based on the status of an action such as completed, pending, failed, timed out, or canceled. You can also upload a diagnostic log.
  5. Optional: Click Reset Filters to remove filters and to display a history of actions and events.
  6. Optional: Click Refresh to refresh actions and events that are displayed on the page.
  7. Click Export to export the history of actions and events to a .csv file or to an Excel spreadsheet.