Windows Information Protection (WIP)

The Windows Information Protection (WIP) settings configure enforcement settings, enterprise network information, and enterprise protected apps settings on a Windows device.

Table 1. Windows Information Protection (WIP) settings
Policy setting Description Supported devices
Enforce Windows information protection Choose whether to enforce information protection on the Windows device.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enforcement settings
Enforcement level Choose the type of enforcement to apply on the device:
  • Silent mode-encrypts and audit only.
  • Override mode-encrypt, prompt, and audit.
  • Block mode-encrypt, block, and audit.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enforce protection under lock screen If this setting is enabled, data on the device is encrypted even if the device is locked.
Note: If this policy is enabled, the device must use a PIN for other Windows Information Protection (WIP) policies to take effect.
Windows Phone 10+
Show icon overlays over protected data If this setting is enabled, the briefcase type of icon overlays for files and apps that are protected from WIP.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Revoke data protected on unenrollment If this setting is enabled, encryption keys are revoked after MDM control is removed from the device. This setting restricts access to protected data after a device is unenrolled from MDM.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Data recovery certificate Enter a base64-encoded recovery-policy blob:
  1. Run the /r:<cert_name> cipher in an elevated command prompt to generate a certificate.
  2. Provide a password for the .PFX certificate.
  3. Run the /p:<cert_name>.cer cipher to generate a base64-encoded blob.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise network information
Enterprise primary domain Specify the default domain for the Windows user interface. Enter %domain% to use enrollment information for the user domain. The domain information must be specified in canonical form such as
Note: The domain name in the user's email address (%email%) and the domain that is listed for this setting must match exactly for the WIP policy to be applied successfully.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Other enterprise protected domains Specify the other DNS suffixes that are used in your environment. All traffic to fully-qualified domains in this list is protected.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise network domain names Specify the intranet domains that comprise the boundaries of the enterprise. Data to and from these locations is considered safe and is protected. Enter the comma-separated list of servers in canonical form such as,
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise cloud resources Specify the cloud domains that are treated as enterprise resources. For each cloud resource, specify a proxy server from the Enterprise Internal Proxy Servers list to route specific traffic for the cloud resource. For suggested settings for an enterprise cloud, see
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise neutral resources Specify the list of comma-separated domain names that are work or personal resources. For suggested settings for enterprise neutral resources, see
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise proxy servers Lists the external facing proxy servers and ports where internet traffic is routed such as, Do not include servers that are used for WIP-protected traffic.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise internal proxy servers Lists the proxy servers and ports where traffic is routed to access enterprise cloud resources such as, You must include servers that are used for WIP-protected traffic.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise IP ranges Specify the comma-separated list of IPv4 and IPv6 ranges that define the computers in the enterprise network. Data from these computers is considered enterprise data and is protected.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise proxy server list is authoritative If this setting is enabled, the enterprise proxy server is the authoritative server.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise proxy ranges are authoritative If this setting is enabled, the enterprise proxy ranges are considered authoritative.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Enterprise protected apps
Configure protected universal apps (allowlist) Configures universal apps that are allowed and protected by WIP. Specify the app name, publisher name, app version (minimum), and app version (maximum) for all the universal apps that are allowed.
Note: Use * in the app name to allow all apps for a publisher.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Configure protected universal apps (blocklist) Configures universal apps that are blocked and not protected by WIP. Specify the app name, publisher name, app version (minimum), and app version (maximum) for all the universal apps that are blocked.
Note: Use * in the app name to block all apps for a publisher.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Configure protected desktop apps (allowlist) Configures desktop apps that are allowed and protected by WIP. Specify the app name, publisher name, app version (minimum), and app version (maximum) for all desktop apps that are allowed.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Configure protected desktop apps (blocklist) Configures desktop apps that are blocked and not protected by WIP. Specify the app name, publisher name, app version (minimum), and app version (maximum) for all desktop apps that are blocked.
  • Windows Phone 10+
  • Windows 10+ Professional, Education, Enterprise
Note: For more information about obtaining the app name and the publisher name, see Using the Windows App Management Admin Tool to obtain Windows app IDs.