Creating an app configuration

Information about creating an app configuration profile in the MaaS360 Portal.

You can create an app configuration from the following workflows:
  • App Configurations
  • App Catalog
  • App Summary
Note: The apps that support managed app configuration must be added to the App Catalog before you can add configuration settings for those apps.

Adding an app configuration through the App Configurations workflow

Follow these steps to add an app configuration:
  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, navigate to Apps > App Configurations. The App Configurations page is displayed.
  2. Click Add Configuration. The Add app configuration window is displayed.
    Add app config window
  3. Provide the following details:
    • App configuration name: Provide a name for your configuration.
    • Create from existing configuration: Use an existing configuration as a base for your new configuration instead of creating a new configuration.
    • Select the app you want to configure: Use the search icon to find an app that you want to add the configuration to. MaaS360 displays a list of apps from the App Catalog that match the search criteria.
    • Select managed config: Click the drop-down list to view the app configurations that are configured for the selected app. The configurations from the selected app configuration are used as a base for the new configuration.
  4. Click Next. The configuration settings that are available for the app are displayed on the Configuration tab.
    The following configuration options are displayed based on the type of app:
    App type Configuration options
    Google Play app Supported app configurations are displayed
    Private app for Android Enterprise Supported app configurations are displayed
    Enterprise app for Android Upload XML template file
    iOS app Select a mode of base configuration:
    • AppConfig community: The supported configuration settings that are natively coded to the app by the AppConfig community.
    • XML template upload: Use the XML template to enter configuration settings for the app.
    • Manual configuration: Enter configuration attributes that are provided by the app developer. For these values, you can use variables such as a fixed string, user name (%username%), domain (%domain%), email (%email%), deviceId (%csn%), or any other custom user attributes.
    New app config
    • You can use custom attributes such as username (%username%) or domain (%domain%) to configure the settings.
    • Bundle array configurations are supported on Android 6.0+ only.
    • The app configurations apply to the primary version of the iOS enterprise apps only. The additional versions of iOS enterprise apps do not support app configurations.
    • By default, the XML template the administrator selects for the first app configuration is used for all app configurations created for an app. MaaS360 does not allow administrators to override XML templates at a later time.
  5. Click Next. The Distributions tab is displayed.
    App Config Add Detail
  6. Choose the entities that you want to distribute the app configuration to:
    • Set as default configuration: The default configuration is automatically distributed to the device if another configuration is not specified for that device through a group-based or a device-based distribution.
    • Groups: Select the groups that receive the app configuration.
    • Specific devices: Select the individual devices that receive the app configuration.
    • Distribute application: The application is distributed to the selected groups and devices along with the app configuration.
  7. Click Publish. The configuration settings are deployed to the device. The app configuration is displayed at Apps > App Configurations. The app is added to the App Catalog and the corresponding app configurations are displayed in the App Configurations section on the App Summary page.

Adding an app configuration through the App Catalog workflow

You can create an app configuration when you add the app to the App Catalog. For existing apps, you can add app configurations from the App Summary page.

Follow these steps to add an app configuration:
  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, navigate to Apps > Catalog.
  2. Select the app that supports managed configuration.
    Managed app config
  3. Click the Policies and Distributions tab.
  4. Select Set App Configuration and then click Add and Configure.
    Set app config
    The detail view of the app configuration page is displayed.
    New app config

Adding an app configuration through the App Summary page

Follow these steps to add an app configuration from the App Summary page:
  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, navigate to Apps > Catalog. The App Catalog page is displayed.
  2. Click the View option below the app. The App Summary page is displayed.
  3. Navigate to the App Configurations section and then click Add Configuration.
    Multiple configurations
    The detail view of the app configuration page is displayed.
    New app config