UI Framework

The user interface framework accelerates the development of an application on the front end.

The UI framework consists of several parts:

  • Bootstrap
    • Is based on HTML/JSP bootstrap
    • Calls runtime to load the configuration files.
    • Responsible for loading the javascript libraries and the cascading style sheets.
  • Configuration
    • Is a JSON format configuration file.
    • Configures the widget parameters.
    • Configures the widget containment.
    • Configures the dependency injection.
  • Runtime Library
    • Is a lightweight javascript library.
    • Enables the API to load configuration file and initialize UI widget.
    • Enables the API to dynamically add/remove widgets.
  • Ready-to-use widgets - consists of:
    • Container widgets (BorderLayout, TabContainer, ContentPane,)
    • Functional widgets (Map, List, Chart,)
    • Data Model widgets
    • Property binding widgets
    • Behavior widgets
  • Ready-to-use application template - The template includes html bootstrap code, the configuration file and custom widgets.