Setting up TotalStorage DS8000 and DS6000 for FCP

When you set up TotalStorage, you need to consider the LUN ID, the WWPN, access to the remote ports, and the zoning.

Figure 1. A storage system connected to a mainframe
This graphic is described in the text that follows it.
You should be aware of the following when configuring the TotalStorage system:
  • New mask: For the logical volume number X'abcd' the LUN ID will be: X'40ab40cd00000000'.
  • Using the correct WWPN. Every port has a WWPN, but the one you need is the storage controller WWPN, as illustrated in Figure 1. Talk to the person who configures the switches to find out what the correct WWPN is.
  • The "Host Ports" (nomenclature used by the storage description) at the storage side must be configured to allow the access from the port of the FCP channel. The FCP port is illustrated in Figure 1.
  • The zoning of the switch (if the FCP channel is not directly connected to the storage's host ports) must be configured properly (see the documentation related to the switch being used).

Further information