Upgrading with disconnected scanners

Upgrade of License Metric Tool consists of upgrading the server and disconnected scanners. Additionally, you might need to upgrade VM Manager Tool if you use it in disconnected mode, and the database if your current version is going out of support. You might also want to update Ansible playbooks if you use Ansible to manage disconnected scanners.

To upgrade the entire infrastructure, you need to upgrade the following elements.
Important: The subcapacity licensing model requires that you promptly upgrade to the latest application update. For more information, see: IBM License Metric Tool information and Software lifecycle: Product details for IBM License Metric Tool 9.2.x.

The following image shows an example of the License Metric Tool infrastructure.

Figure 1. License Metric Tool infrastructure
License Metric Tool infrastructure

If you mange disconnected scans with Ansible, the infrastructure additionally includes components of the Ansible platform.

Figure 2. License Metric Tool infrastructure with Ansible
License Metric Tool infrastructure with Ansible