Network and port requirements (disconnected scenario)

When planning the infrastructure, ensure that port numbers used by License Metric Tool and the database are free to enable communication between these components.

The following is the list of default ports used within the License Metric Tool infrastructure. You can change them during the installation of each component.

Port requirements

Arrow indicates the connection origination.

Table 1. Default ports used within the License Metric Tool domain
Interaction Type Default port
a REST API data traffic 9081
b Web browser data traffic 9081
c Connection to the database
  • DB2
    • For DB2 11.5.6 and higher: 25000
    • For DB2 11.5.5 and lower: 50000
  • MS SQL Server: 1433
d VM Manager Tool RMI communication. The communication is internal. The port does not have to be open externally. 25001
e Extraction of virtualization hierarchy by using REST API Specific to the type of virtualization manager
f (optional) Export of license usage data to IBM® Software Central or Red Hat® Marketplace 443
g (optional) Export of license usage data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace through a proxy server Specific to the proxy server